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Jim Kinard

Associate Professor Emeritus

Accounting & Management Information Systems

Bobbie Kirby

Commencement Assistant

Steve Klein

Business Operations Specialist

Center for Real Estate

Terry Klinker

Senior Lecturer in Management Sciences

Leonardo Kluppel

Assistant Professor

A. Michael Knemeyer

Professor of Logistics

Areas of Expertise

    • International
    • Logistics/Supply Chain Management
      • Distribution Systems
      • Transportation
      • Supply Chain Management
      • Logistics Customer Service

Jaimi Knisley

Senior Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Jessica Kohlschmidt

Senior Lecturer

Ashley Kontras

Senior Academic Program Services Specialist

Telesilla Kotsi

Assistant Professor

Operations and Business Analytics

Anthony Kozlowski

Fiscal Officer

Ray Krasniewski

Associate Professor Emeritus

Accounting & Management Information Systems

Paul Krimm

Lecturer of Finance

Kristen Krug

Undergraduate Academic Advisor 2

Alyssa Kyff

Senior Academic Program Services Specialist

Scott LaCross

Senior Lecturer & Vice-Chair

Areas of Expertise

    • Marketing
      • Product Development
      • Advertising
      • Branding
      • Pricing
      • Strategy

Douglas M. Lambert

Academy Professor, Raymond E. Mason Chaired Professor Emeritus

Areas of Expertise

    • Logistics/Supply Chain Management
      • Supply Chain Management
      • Vendor Relations
      • Logistics
      • Supply Chain Integration

Maria Landekhovskaya

Senior Lecturer

Management & Human Resources, Marketing & Logistics

Teresa Lau

Assistant Director, MBOE

Chae won Lee

Graduate Teaching Associate

Accounting & Management Information Systems

Hanho Lee

Graduate Research Associate

Management & Human Resources

Hun Lee

Associate Professor, Denman Scholar, OB/HR PhD Coordinator

Areas of Expertise

    • Ethics and Leadership
      • Leadership


Lecturer (SEM)

Michael Leiblein
