Salary & Outcome Data
Each academic year we collect salary offers from students and employers to provide our customers with data critical to finalizing the recruiting process. Click on the category titles below to find full-time and internship salary data for Fisher interns and graduates.
FISHER STUDENTS: You can search current outcomes data which can be filtered to your customized needs through Fisher Career Data Central (FCDC)
More information can also be attained at the NACE Salary Calculator Center
MBA Full-Time Class of 2023
- Starting Salary Average: $129,409
- Starting Salary Median: $125,000
- Average Signing Bonus: $34,453
- U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents with Job Offers (3 Months Post Graduation): 91%
- International Students with Job Offers (3 Months Post Graduation): 94%
Internship Salary for MBA Class of 2023
Average MBA Internship Salary: $8,439/month
Class of 2023 Employment Data on our Specialty Masters Programs will be available in December, in accordance with the reporting provisions of the MBA CSEA Standards for Reporting Employment Data.
MHRM Class of 2022
- Starting Salary Average: $76,875
- Starting Salary Median: $77,750
- Internship Salary Average: $4,680
- U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents with Job Offers (6 Months Post Graduation): 96%
- Overall Students with Job Offers (6 Months Post Graduation): 98%
MAcc Class of 2022
- Starting Salary Average: $62,356
- Starting Salary Median: $61,000
- U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents with Job Offers (6 Months Post Graduation): 98%
- Overall Students with Job Offers (6 Months Post Graduation): 94%
SMF Class of 2022
- Starting Salary Average: $80,166
- Starting Salary Median: $75,000
- U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents with Job Offers (6 Months Post Graduation): 91%
- Overall Students with Job Offers (6 Months Post Graduation & Actively Searching in the US) : 87%
MBA Average Starting Salaries by Industry 2022-23
Industry | Average Salary |
Consulting Services | $166,860 |
Consumer Products | $128,000 |
Financial Services | $121,923 |
Healthcare | $98,333 |
Hospitality | $110,000 |
Manufacturing | $92,000 |
Real Estate | $85,000 |
Retail | $115,000 |
Technology | $130,990 |
Transportation | $121,500 |
MBA Average Starting Salaries by Function 2022-23
Function | Salary |
Consulting | $148,134 |
Finance/Accounting | $117,000 |
General Management | $122,427 |
Marketing | $128,747 |
Operations/Logistics | $96,500 |
Other | $110,750 |
Geographic Breakdown of MBA Full Time Jobs 2022-23
Geography | Percentage |
US - Midwest | 69% |
US - Mid-Atlantic | 2% |
US - Northeast | 5% |
US - West | 14% |
US - Southwest | 7% |
Geographic Breakdown of MBA Internships 2022-23
Geography | Percentage |
US - Midwest | 59% |
US - West | 15% |
US - Southwest | 8% |
US - Northeast | 8% |
US - Mid Atlantic | 8% |
2023-2024 Full-Time Career Jobs
Major | Percentage | Average Salary |
Accounting | 15% | $69,327 |
Aviation Management | <1% | $86,600 |
Economics | 3% | $71,750 |
Finance | 40% | $73,096 |
Business Mgt - Regional Campus | 1% | $52,257 |
Human Resources | 2% | $56,203 |
Information Systems | 5% | $77,382 |
International Business | 2% | $60,545 |
Logistics Management | 4% | $60,839 |
Marketing | 21% | $60,916 |
Operations Management | 5% | $67,417 |
Real Estate | 3% | $60,397 |
2023-2024 Full-Time Career Jobs by Region
- 38% Columbus
- 9% Cleveland
- 4% Cincinnati
- 56% (total) Ohio
- 72% (total) Midwest
- <1% International
- 4% Mid-Atlantic
- 11% Northeast
- 6% South
- 4% Southwest
- 3% West
2023-2024 Internships
Average hourly salary for intern positions: $24/hr
Major | Average Hourly Salary |
Accounting | $28/hr |
Economics | $25/hr |
Finance | $25/hr |
Business Management - Regional Campus | $20/hr |
Human Resources | $21/hr |
Information Systems | $27/hr |
International Business | $33/hr |
Logistics Management | $21/hr |
Marketing | $21/hr |
Operations Management | $24/hr |
Real Estate | $21/hr |
2023-2024 Full-Time Internships by Region
- 41% Columbus
- 6% Cleveland
- 4% Cincinnati
- 61% (total) Ohio
- 73% (total) Midwest
- 1% International
- 3% Mid-Atlantic
- 13% Northeast
- 3% South
- 4% West
- 3% Southwest
This report conforms to The National Undergraduate Business Symposium First Destination Reporting Standards. The career outcomes data presented are based upon a Knowledge Rate of 81% for the Class of 2024, and Response Rate of 70%. The compensation data presented are based upon a Salary Disclosure Rate of 80% for the Class of 2024.
©2024 Fisher College of Business
2100 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210