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At Fisher College of Business, we believe in personalized journeys. If you're curious about how this transformative experience can elevate your career, you're in the right place. We've curated various avenues for you to dive deep into the Executive MBA experience.
Join us for a Live Class Session or Speaker Event
Get a true sense of what the Fisher Executive MBA program can offer you by sitting in on a class. This is more than just an introduction to the curriculum — it’s an opportunity to engage with top-tier faculty, learn from their real-world expertise and see how their guidance can help you tackle complex business challenges. Experience firsthand the dynamic learning environment that prepares leaders for immediate impact. If the below options do not work with your schedule, or you would like to preview a class virtually, please reach out to Haleigh DePalma at or 614-292-6562.
Preview Day Offerings
Date | Arrival Time | Faculty Presenting | Course | Register |
Thursday, April 10 | 7:30 or 8 a.m. | Professor Dan Oglevee | Entrepreneurship | Register |
Thursday, April 10 | 10:30 a.m. | Professor Dan Oglevee | Entrepreneurship | Register |
Thursday, April 10 | Noon or 1 p.m. | Professor Joe Goodman | Marketing | Register |
Thursday, April 10 | 3:00 p.m. | Professor Joe Goodman | Marketing | Register |
Friday, April 11 | 7:30 or 8 a.m. | Professor Joe Goodman | Marketing | Register |
Friday, April 11 | 10:30 a.m. | Professor Joe Goodman | Marketing | Register |
Friday, April 11 | Noon or 1 p.m. | Professor Nate Craig | Data Analytics | Register |
Friday, April 11 | 3:00 p.m. | Professor Nate Craig | Data Analytics | Register |
Saturday, April 12 | 7 or 7:30 a.m. | Professor Nate Craig | Data Analytics | Register |
Personalized Coaching Calls
Your journey is unique, and we understand the importance of tailored guidance. Schedule a one-on-one coaching call with a dedicated member of our staff. Discuss your goals, address your concerns, and let us guide you towards the program that aligns seamlessly with your aspirations.
Schedule a one-on-one coaching call
Alumni and Student Conversations
Our alumni are the living testament to the transformative power of our Executive MBA program. Tune in to our Alumni Conversations Podcast, where successful graduates share their stories, challenges, and the invaluable lessons learned on their journey. Connect with the community that continues to thrive beyond graduation.
View all Podcast Conversations
Recorded during a live webinar event, Anna Morris, associate director, sits down with six current Executive MBA (EMBA) students who candidly share their experiences and reflections on their journey within the program so far. The discussion covers a wide range of topics, from the initial decision to pursue an EMBA to the unique challenges and rewarding moments encountered along the way.
Listeners will hear firsthand about the transformative impact of the program, the supportive community that fosters growth, and the practical skills and knowledge that these students are gaining. Whether you’re considering an EMBA or are simply curious about the executive education experience, this episode offers a wealth of information and inspiration.
In this special episode of Alumni Conversations, we are joined by Professor Nate Craig, the academic director of the Executive MBA program, along with six distinguished alumni from various industries.
Recorded during a live webinar event, this conversation explores how the program has impacted their personal and professional lives since graduation. This episode offers a compelling look at the power of continuous learning and the transformative impact of an Executive MBA.
Anna Morris, Associate Director of Engagement, sat down with Ashley Donnini, EMBA Class of 2017, to hear why she chose to pursue her Executive MBA and how it's had an impact on her career. Since graduation, Ashley has started her own company, Lola Link Consulting, a boutique firm focused in the utility industry.
Anna Morris sat down with Victor Nguyen, Executive MBA Class of 2023, and Naval Aviator for the US Navy and Assistant Professor of Naval Science at University of Michigan. Victor reflected back on his apprehension about starting the program, how he was able to fit in the work with a busy job and young family, and ultimately how the experience will drive future opportunities.
Our prospective students are often concerned about managing their professional careers and their family life, in addition to going back to school. Julia Yontz, a 2020 graduate of the Executive MBA program, shares why she chose to pursue her Executive MBA while balancing work and growing her family simultaneously.
Anna Morris sat down with Blake Gleaves, Founder of Brewker and 2017 graduate of the Executive MBA program. Blake reflects on his time at Fisher and how the program helped him go from managing to leading, and being an authentic leader.
Today, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate dean and academic director for the Executive MBA and Master of Business Operational Excellence programs sits down with Dr. Susan Moffatt-Bruce. Susan currently serves as chief executive officer at Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and is a practicing thoracic surgeon. Prior to her role in Canada, she served The Ohio State University Wexner Medical center in may roles including executive director and chief quality and patient safety officer. While at Ohio State, she opted to further her education and received her Master of Business Operational Excellence as well as her Executive MBA.
This conversation was recorded during a live event and includes a few questions from participating audience members.
Today, Dan Oglevee, Director of the Executive MBA program sits down with Trey Addison, co founder and managing partner of Nascent Group Holdings. Hear why Trey chose to pursue his EMBA and how it’s impacted his life since graduation.
This conversation was recorded during a live event and includes a few questions from participating audience members.