Nathan Craig

Associate Professor
Operations and Business Analytics


Nate Craig is an associate professor in the Department of Operations and Business Analytics. He researches the application of data science and artificial intelligence to managerial decision-making, focusing on the financial services and retail industries. Leading outlets have published his research, including Harvard Business Review, the Journal of Operations Management, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. At the Fisher College of Business, Nate is academic director of the Executive MBA program and coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Operations and Business Analytics.

Nate earned a doctorate in Technology and Operations Management from Harvard Business School and master's and bachelor's degrees in Systems Engineering from The Ohio State University. He is the recipient of research awards, including the Wyss Award and the Ralph Gomory Industry Studies Award. Nate serves on the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) Community Board and the Ohio Union Council.

Areas of Expertise

  • Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Financial Services
  • Retailing


  • DBA, Technology and Operations Management, Harvard Business School
  • MS, Operations Research, The Ohio State University
  • BS, Integrated Systems Engineering, The Ohio State University


BUSOBA 3332 - Business Analytics: Application of Predictive Analytics to Business Data
Build and test predictive models that move from data to parameter estimation. Prereq: Econ 2001.01 and 2002.01 or equiv; and Stat 3202, or BusOBA 2320 and 2321; and CSE 2111 or equiv.
BUSOBA 7247 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business: Decisions from Data
Provides business students with an overview of artificial intelligence, focusing on modern machine learning methods and applications. We study and implement supervised and unsupervised machine learning systems using software and data from practical, business contexts. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify and capitalize on opportunities to create value with artificial intelligence. Prereq: MBA 6273 or equivalent.
BUSOBA 8236 - Service Operations I
Doctoral research seminar: critical analysis of research in designing effective service delivery models, service quality, measuring service performance, service profit chains. Prereq: Enrollment in BusAdm PhD program.
MBA 6270.03 - Data Analysis for Managers
Introduction to data analysis and statistics for business. Emphasis on achieving an application-oriented understanding of business analytics and their use in decision-making. Prereq: Enrollment in Fisher College of Business, or permission of instructor.
MBA 6270.01 - Data Analysis for Managers-EMBA
Introduction to data analysis and statistics for business. Emphasis on achieving an application-oriented understanding of statistical inference and regression analysis and their use in decision making. Prereq: Enrollment in Executive MBA program, or permission of instructor.
BUSOBA 8237 - Service Operations II
Doctoral research seminar: Critical analysis of research in healthcare operations, retail operations, and IT service operations, sharing economies. Prereq: Enrollment in BusAdm PhD program.