Careers & Recruiting

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Office of Career Management Staff

Staff MemberStudent Population (if applicable)
Audrey Bledsoe
Director, Undergraduate Career Services & Education
Francie Buschur
Marketing Coordinator/Graphic Designer
Darese Douglas
Database Coordinator
Nancy Gilbertsen
Director, Career Management and Corporate Relations
WPMBA, Finance
Kevin J. Hardy
Executive Director
Katie Hipp
Senior Career Advisor
Economics, Real Estate, Insurance
Mrudula Josyula
Senior Career Advisor
Noella Mascarenhas
Senior Career Advisor
Exploration, International Business, Aviation, Regional Campus students
Jamie Mathews-Mead
Senior Director, Graduate Career Management and Corporate Relations
Ryana Munford
Senior Career Advisor
Katie Passen
Director, Student Career Development
Finance, Consulting (Fisher Emerging Consultants)
Sydney Prochnow
Administrative Assistant
Steve Singer
Director, Career Management and Corporate Relations
WPMBA, MAcc, SMBA, Accounting, MIS
Sarah Steenrod
Senior Director - Career Consultation & Programs
Finance, Investment Banking (Fisher Futures)
Joanne Weber
Recruiting Coordinator
Human Resources
Jill M. George
Director, Career Management and Corporate Relations
SMF, MHRM, Finance
Ryan Wilhelm
Senior Career Advisor
Accounting, MIS
Mandy Williams
Director, Career Management and Corporate Relations
WPMBA, MSCM, Operations, Logistics
Mark Wilson
Senior Director, Recruiter Relations & Technology


Reserve a Quiet Space in the Office of Career Management

If you need a quiet space for a virtual interview, study space or project meeting the Office of Career Management has up to 7 rooms to reserve in advance. Rooms are available to students when not in use by employers/recruiters and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. The OCM is open Monday- Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM during the academic year and 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM during the summer.  Rooms are not available during school breaks or holidays. Click on the link above to make a reservation at least 24 hours prior. You will receive an email confirmation within 24 business hours. 

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