Presentation and Resources Request for Undergraduate Student Organizations

Upon request, the Office of Career Management will conduct presentations or provide PowerPoint presentations and/or facilitator training on a variety of topics to Fisher student organizations. Fill out the online form below to request a guest speaker or to indicate your interest in receiving a PowerPoint presentation that your student organizations can use at your next student organization meeting. The OCM is also happy to provide brief training for your leaders to present on any of our topics.
To request a presentation or resources:
- Fill out and submit the Office of Career Management Presentation and Resources Request Form
- We ask that you please give us 2-3 weeks notice. Please keep in mind we cannot accommodate last-minute requests! Due to the number of presentation requests received each semester, we are able to fulfill requests from Fisher student organizations only.
- Once our office receives your form we will contact you within 2-3 business days
- If you request a presenter and we are able to accommodate your request, you are required to provide a list of students who have RSVP'd for the event. This RSVP list should be emailed to the OCM presenter no later than 2 days before your event. We ask that you have at least 10 students in attendance at any OCM-led workshop.
- If you request resources such as a PowerPoint, an OCM staff member will be in touch with you in 2-3 business days. If you would like to be trained on giving an OCM presentation, you will be asked to schedule an appointment via Handshake.
This event will be presented with automated closed captions. If you wish to request traditional CART services or other accommodations, please contact Audrey Bledsoe at or 614-292-8582. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.
Questions about presentations and topics can be addressed to Audrey Bledsoe at
Presentation Topics
- Effective Resume Writing: learn how to develop a strong resume to use when applying for internships and full time jobs. The presentation discusses resume formatting, how to best describe work experiences, activities, and leadership, and what employers are looking for on resumes.
- Effective Interviewing: provides a general overview of interviewing skills including typical interview questions (tell me about yourself, why should I hire you, behavioral questions). It also discusses how to do effective company research and how to make a positive first impression. This presentation can be done in a traditional presentation style or in a more interactive workshop format.
- Preparing for a Career Fair: this presentation covers the 3 important phases of a career fair--before, during, and after. This can also be thought of as the preparation, the execution, and the follow-up. Topics in this presentation include how to do company research, identifying target companies, professional dress and behavior, practicing your elevator pitch, and how to follow up afterwards.
- Behavioral-Based Interviewing: this workshop style presentation introduces students to behavioral interview questions- what they are, why they are used, and the strategies to answer them. Participants then get the chance to practice their own examples in small groups.
- Phone, Video, and Group Interview Preparation: this presentation builds on students’ existing interview knowledge by providing an overview of how to prepare for interviews that will be conducted via phone, video, or in a group setting.
- LinkedIn: this presentation introduces students to the professional networking website of LinkedIn. Participants will learn how to build a strong profile, how to professionally connect with others, and how to use LinkedIn to develop and maintain their network through groups, alumni, and contacts.
- Finding an internship: this is a great presentation for students who are looking to get started on their internship search. Topics include the QUIC program, using Handshake, networking, and other job search resources including helpful websites, professional associations, and alumni.
- Evaluating and Negotiating Job Offers: in this presentation we will discuss how to effectively evaluate a job offer in terms of the salary, benefits, opportunities for advancement, as well as many other aspects that can influence your decision. We will also discuss how to prepare for a salary negotiation conversation by doing plenty of research beforehand. Includes tutorial on using FCDC (Fisher Career Data Central) to conduct research.