Project Opportunities
Through membership, organizations can connect with Fisher College of Business students poised to become tomorrow’s leaders.
Check out these opportunities to participate in student projects, host global internships, and contribute to faculty research.
Graduate & Undergraduate Student Projects
Fisher College of Business professor and COE Associate Director Dr. John Gray is seeking interested companies to host a group project for his second-year MBA and/or first-year (new) Master of Supply Chain (MSMC) Strategic Global Sourcing classes each autumn semester. These projects provide our Fisher students the opportunity to gain experience dealing with a real-world challenge in the broad domain of global sourcing - and provide you with real value at no cost aside from your time.
Companies interested in a Strategic Global Sourcing project with Dr. Gray can fill out the project proposal form below or contact Dr. Gray at
Project-based opportunities exist within both the undergraduate and graduate analytics curricula, meeting your needs and interests in student involvement at The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. Benefits to organizations include analytical insights in current-need resolution and stretch goals, though documentation, resources and formal presentations.
Student projects at the graduate level are typically led by individual-student projects, augmented by a period of micro-team management, entailing written reports, presentations and statistical documentation/code. Projects aimed at undergraduate student engagement are typically taken on by teams of 5-6 students (with designated roles and student-liaisons to organizations).
Final deliverables include proof-of-concept decision support tools, presentations and walk-through video guides on system use. New projects considered for student engagement typically require organizations to provide or grant access to data relevant to the context, and will require time allocated to dialogue with the student or team-liaison to ensure contextual understanding of the task and nature of the data set.
Companies interested in an Analytics project with Dr. Bendoly can fill out the project proposal form below or contact Dr. Bendoly at
Doug Evans, Sr. Lecturer in the Fisher College of Business, teaches a Lean Six Sigma Project class at both the graduate and undergraduate levels during the spring semester. In this course, student teams work to find the root cause of a real-world process problem and put countermeasures in place to address the issue. Companies interested in allowing Ohio State students to problem-solve at their organization can reach out to Doug at, and he will help identify a problem and outline the scope.
Global Applied Projects (GAP) is a flagship program of the Fisher College of Business MBA curriculum. Through this capstone experiential learning course, theory is translated into practice as MBA teams are paired with global client partners to tackle complex, multifaceted strategic business challenges. Past clients have included industry-leading multinational corporations, market disrupting start-ups, mission-driven nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies. MBA teams work directly with their client-partner, remotely and in-person, over the course of their final spring semester in the program. During this time, students hone their business acumen, gain practical consulting experience, and develop increased awareness of global business environments while client-partners receive fresh perspectives and tangible recommendations to real-world problems/opportunities. *GAP is a cost-shared program model where client-partners cover the cost of their MBA project team’s travel to/from their global location, to include in-country accommodations, during spring break week. Costs vary based on the project/host country (estimates available in advance).
To learn more about becoming a GAP client-partner, please contact Leanda Rix at
Since its inception in 2016, FGC has provided dozens of global companies and organizations in every region of the world with access to top undergraduate talent capable of delivering outside-the-box solutions to complex business challenges across multiple industries. From conducting insightful research to offering actionable recommendations, FGC teams spend time domestically and abroad fully understanding their companies, industry dynamics and the global climate in which business is conducted.
Fisher Global Consulting is a program where consulting teams of 4-6 undergraduate business students, carefully selected based on client needs, work to solve complex business problems and provide sustainable and actionable solutions. During the project, each consulting team will work on-site with key company stakeholders to define the project scope, and ensure project deliverables address the needs of the company. Consulting teams can also work virtually, meeting with company stakeholders periodically throughout the week. Students work with organizations for three weeks during the summer, and present a Final Deliverable Report to company leadership at the end of the project duration.
Companies interested in a Fisher Global Consulting Project can contact Jennifer Musser at More information and samples of past projects can be found in the following links.
Global Business Expeditions (GBEs) are one or two week high intensity global programs offered to graduate students during spring break or May session. Each program is designed and led by our faculty to integrate industry expertise with a global context via coursework, meetings and small-scale consulting projects with local and global companies, and cultural immersion.
Global Labs are immersive cultural and business tours led by one of our Fisher College of Business faculty experts. These short-term, high intensity programs offer a quick survey of different business specializations and regions of the world.
In these programs, students visit 5-15 companies, depending on the length of the program. Company visits usually involve meeting with leadership, tours, and/or exploring the topic of interest for the class. Sometimes, these programs can also include small-scale consulting projects. These consulting projects are designed in consultation with faculty prior to the start of the class, and students prepare their pitches in only 2-3 weeks and then present during a single visit in-country. These are a great option for companies that need outside input on smaller scale, and these types of programs usually only need the involvement of 1-3 employees to help design the project with the faculty member and to give feedback in-country.
To learn more, contact Alyssa Kyff at
Due to the evolving nature of the COVID-19 circumstances, all international travel decisions made by leadership at the Fisher College of Business will be informed by the Office of International Affairs and the university.