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Building an Intentional OpEx Culture: Bridging People, Process, & Technology

March 19 | 12 – 1 p.m. | Zoom Webinar 

In the pursuit of operational excellence, companies invest significant resources to launch programs that include software deployments, process optimization, and training. Yet leadership teams are often markedly disappointed with the results. Well before drafting the project proposal and timeline, it is crucial to assess and determine whether the company’s current culture realistically supports its strategy and ultimate goals. Decades of OpEx experience have taught Carol Christobek and Chhevi Sharma that people, processes, and technological improvements must be reinforced by and aligned with an INTENTIONAL culture to achieve success.

This webinar will focus on developing an intentional culture capable of continuously adapting and evolving. Carol and Chhevi will describe the concept of Intentional Culture and illustrate the classic “culture quadrant” (Command & Control, Chaotic, Accidental, and Intentional) relative to OpEx initiatives. 

Further, this session will highlight the four Culture facets of the speakers’ OpEx model and discuss how each cultural characteristic fosters a continuously improving organizational culture aligned with the company’s strategy, objectives, and plans. 

Attendees will learn:

  • Why people are at the center of any existing organizational culture
  • Why an intentional culture is critical to sustaining operational and organizational excellence
  • How to recognize their organization’s current culture and place it within the culture quadrant
  • The keys to developing an intentional culture capable of adapting and evolving to support continuous improvement

Carol Christobek (Process Driven Performance) and Chhevi Sharma (The Reflection Group) have a combined 50+ years of experience in operational excellence in a variety of manufacturing and distribution industries. Their expertise spans numerous functions and disciplines, including finance, governance, supply chain, quality, IT, HR, EHS and they have partnered with business teams around the world. After decades in corporate roles, they are now independent consultants who specialize in leading projects to improve operational performance for small to mid-size manufacturing companies.

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