In The Headlines


May 8, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Bringing operational excellence to food insecurity

Students in Fisher’s Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE) program are sharing their process-improvement insights to help the Mid-Ohio Foodbank better serve hungry families and individuals throughout central Ohio.
May 7, 2019
Institutional Investor

The mystery of the missing Berkshire Hathaway invite

Warren Buffett has snubbed KBW’s Meyer Shields from participating in his annual conclave for years. Why? The answer may lie in a difference of investing philosophies. Lu Zhang, the John W. Galbreath Chair in Real Estate at Fisher, points out that Buffett’s stock picking is value-oriented, a countercyclical style that has been out of fashion for much of the past decade. “Ten years is just too short to suggest Buffett should change his strategy,” Zhang says. “Over the long term, Berkshire has beaten any index, any index, hands down.”
May 3, 2019

Science says healthy scheduling habits make people happier

Selin Malkoc, a professor of marketing at Fisher, and her colleague discovered that when a leisure activity is planned, it’s less enjoyable than if it had taken place spontaneously: “It becomes a part of our to-do list. As an outcome, they [the activity] becomes less enjoyable," Malkoc said.
May 2, 2019
Think Op-Ex

Simple, not easy: Talking leadership with bestselling author Sam Walker

What seemed like a clear-cut research project on the “secret sauce” behind the greatest teams in sports history has evolved into a multi-year endeavor and bestselling book for Sam Walker, a Wall Street Journal columnist and one-time editor. Walker, who served as the kickoff keynote at The Ohio State University Center for Operational Excellence’s seventh-annual Leading Through Excellence summit, talked about the biggest takeaways from his book – and where the project is taking him next. 
May 1, 2019
Think Op-Ex

COE Summit 2019: A look back, in pictures

Each year, The Ohio State University Center for Operational Excellence brings together hundreds of process improvement leaders from across the country for a deep dive into leadership and problem-solving best practices at its Leading Through Excellence summit. Check out photos from the center's seventh summit this past April.
Hundreds of Fisher grads in caps and gowns at commencement
May 1, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Fisher celebrates the Class of 2019

A number of Fisher College of Business ceremonies and festivities marked the accomplishments of the graduating Class of 2019.Undergraduate students, t
Dignity Ruebensaal holding a sign that reads "I am a catalyst for finance!"
April 29, 2019
Fisher College of Business

New grad already making an impact in business

Twenty-two-year-old Dignity Ruebensaal will walk across the stage to receive her bachelor’s degree in business management and administration having al
April 28, 2019

2019 Best & Brightest MBAs: Neethi Johnson

Fisher's Neethi Johnson (MBA '19) describes herself as an "Indian-born, Ireland-raised, proud American. ​​​​​​" She was also selected as one of Poets&Quants' 100 best & brightest MBAs of 2019. 
April 28, 2019

2019 Best & Brightest MBAs: Obi Nnebedum

Obi Nnebedum (MBA '19), selected as one of Poets&Quants' best & brightest MBAs of 2019, shares how he was able to pursue an MBA at Fisher and and MHA at Ohio State.
April 26, 2019

Pharma-funded charity touted ‘higher profits’ for drugmakers

Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professorship in Accounting, weighs in on a nonprofit's tax filings and the questions they raise about the organization's dealings with drugmakers.
2019 Diversity Awards Nominees show off their awards in the front of the conference room
April 24, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Fisher honors leaders’ commitment to diversity

Leadership in diversity and support of diversity and inclusion initiatives were celebrated as part of the 18th annual Fisher College of Business Diversity Awards.
April 23, 2019
The Ohio State University

Ohio State awards scholarships for Sesquicentennial

More than a dozen Fisher students are among the 150 individuals recently selected for a unique program that will help develop them into future leaders, all while helping the university celebrate its upcoming sesquicentennial. Scholarships were awarded to 150 students across the university for the 2019-20 academic year in honor of its upcoming sesquicentennial. 
April 19, 2019
The Ohio State University

Buckeye looks for sustainability in landfills

Learn more about how Zac Graber (BSBA '18), a recipient of Ohio State's President's Prize, is improving the waste management process and diverting more refuse to composting and recycling.
April 17, 2019
The New Yorker

Secrecy, self-dealing, and greed at the N.R.A.

The organization’s leadership is focused on external threats, but the real crisis may be internal. Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professorship in Accounting, has analyzed 11 years’ worth of the organization’s public financial statements, starting in 2007. In seven of those years, he found “the N.R.A. owed more money to others than it had at its discretion to spend.” A financial audit from 2017 revealed that it had nearly reached the limit of a $25 million.
Russ Klein on stage leading a discussion
April 16, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Klein honored for excellence in marketing

When the Fisher Association of Marketing Professionals (AMP) began evaluating candidates for its 2019 Marketer of the Year award, one name consistently rose to the top of the list: Russ Klein (BSBA ’79), CEO of the American Marketing Association.
April 15, 2019
The Columbus Dispatch

Central Ohio unites for projects in support of Earth Day

A total of 70 volunteers — including DHL employees, students from the Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business and volunteers from the Friends of Alum Creek Tributaries — helped plant seedlings around Alum Creek State Park as part of activities leading up to Earth Day. 
April 15, 2019
The Ohio State University

Ohio State institute highlights efforts to stop distracted driving

Every day in the U.S., approximately nine people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Risk Institute at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business is working to bring those numbers down.
Bobby Schottenstein at podium speaks to MBA students
April 11, 2019
Fisher College of Business

MBA students engage with real estate leader

Students in Fisher’s MBA for Working Professionals program had the opportunity to explore the leadership behind one of the country’s most successful r
April 11, 2019
Cleveland Jewish News

International MBA experiences boost skills

Exposure to international markets is a bonus for any business professional. According to Walter Zinn, associate dean for graduate studies and programs and professor of logistics at Fisher, it’s best for professionals to gain these experiences while in school for their MBA.
Alumnae Paula Bennett, Camille Gibson, Angel Harris and Kara Trott participate in a panel discussion.
April 9, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Women’s Conference informs and inspires others

Malika Jacobs (MBA ’10) stepped into ballroom of the Blackwell Inn to attend the 2019 Women’s Leadership Conference. Already slated to lead one of the
April 9, 2019
The Columbus Dispatch

'New Urbanism' pioneer praises Columbus development

Andres Duany, the keynote speaker at the City of the Future conference hosted by The Ohio State University’s Center for Real Estate, said he was “stunned” to see so much development in Columbus since his last visit a decade ago. A pioneer of New Urbanist-style growth praised Columbus' development while knocking "NIMBYS" who resist change.
April 8, 2019
Columbus CEO

Introducing CaaStle: Former Gwynnie Bee pushing the retail envelope

Terry Esper, associate professor of logistics at Fisher, says Columbus becomes even more attractive for companies that use a ship-to-consumer rather than a ship-to-store model: “The location is central to where people live, not just where they shop.”
April 6, 2019
The Hindu

Surreal experience

The flexibility to customize an MBA at Fisher based on his interests, eventually helped Karthik Chandrasekaran (MBA  '18) land a job at EY as a senior management consultant.
Group of MBA students display block O sign in front of Google logo
April 5, 2019
Fisher College of Business

MBA students, alumni connect at top tech companies

Students in Fisher’s Full-Time MBA program had the opportunity to experience firsthand the reach of the Ohio State alumni network as part of a Tech Hop to San Francisco.
April 1, 2019
WCPN ideastream

If Trump shuts down U.S.-Mexico trade, Ohio would take hit

Freezing the flow of goods between the U.S. and Mexico would have a significant impact on Ohio because of the interconnectedness of global supply chains, according to Tom Goldsby, the Harry T. Mangurian Jr. Foundation Professor in Business at Fisher. 

Media contact & inquiry

Joe Arnold | Phone: 614-292-3380 | Email: