Specialized Master in Business Analytics
Choose your Blended Learning Delivery Model

SMB-A Blended Online Learning

At Fisher, we understand the challenges that working professionals face. For most working professionals or non-working prospective graduate students, unpredictable hours and family obligations make taking classes particularly challenging. Unlike traditional afternoon programs, the SMB-A program utilizes online learning to accommodate the needs of working professionals by mixing asynchronous and synchronous learning. This makes is so the program works for working and non-working professionals. Explore the blended learning options below.

Download the SMB-A Info Sheet and Curriculum 

75% Online

The SMB-A program uses a blended course delivery format, requiring students to participate in 75 percent online asynchronous instruction, with the remaining 25 percent delivered via in-person Saturday classes or live-streaming.

Online Asynchronous Instruction

Each class in the curriculum consists of 75 percent asynchronous online distance-learning content and instruction — typically requiring 12 to 15 hours of self-paced work per week. The SMB-A program is intentionally designed to be hands-on and fast-paced — mirroring careers in business technology.

25% You Choose

Students attend three Saturday classes during a seven-week term (four during the summer) either on-campus or via live streaming. Saturday class meetings are delivered in 3.5-hour blocks. 

Option One: On-Campus - Saturday Classes

Combine your online asynchronous instruction with rich on-campus Saturday coursework to complete each class. Classes meet three times during a seven-week term (four during the summer). The Saturday classes are delivered as 3.5-hour blocks (Eastern Time) with an included lunch (in-person-only).

  • In-depth discussion and live demonstration
  • Subject exploration and hands-on exercises
  • Faculty support and peer networking
SMB-A in-person time blocks

Did you know? Full-time students attend both blocks, while part-time students attend one. The block varies for part-time students based on the class schedule. All students on campus are offered lunch.

Option Two: Live-Streaming - Saturday Classes

Students living 50+ miles from Ohio State's main campus can live-stream Saturday sessions to complete the in-person portion of each class. Depending on the class, you can be a passive viewer, active participant, or a mix of both. Live streaming (Eastern Time) provides you with the ability to earn the degree entirely online.

  • Earn your degree from anywhere in the U.S.
  • Recorded to allow for repeat viewing as needed
  • Geography and situation determine eligibility
SMB-A streaming time blocks

*Except under unusual circumstances, the online streaming option is only available to students living 50+ miles away from Ohio State's main campus. E-mail fcob-smb-a@fisher.osu.edu to discuss your eligibility.

Curriculum Structure

Using this blended format, students typically take two courses at a time, with the delivery of each 3-credit hour course spread over three Saturdays (on-campus or live-streaming) during a 7-weeks term with distance-learning content and support in-between. The delivery format and program of study conform to The Ohio State University academic calendar: classes will begin toward the end of August. Below is a sample of the Full-Time structure. A part-time option is also available.

AutumnTerm OneStatistics (3), Accounting and Finance (3)
 Term TwoData Management (3), Managerial Economics (3)
SpringTerm OneDescriptive Analytics (3), Predictive Analytics (3)
 Term TwoPrescriptive Analytics (3), Electives (1.5), Pre-Capstone (1.5)
SummerTerm OneLeadership (1.5), Electives (3), Practicum / Capstone Project (3)


View the full-time and part-time program structure

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