Fisher Research and Insights


Multifamily investment remains a hot commodity in the U.S.
November 12, 2023

Multifamily investment remains a hot commodity in the U.S.

Top cities such as New York and San Francisco will continue to see growth, says Itzhak Ben-David, the Neil Klatskin Chair in Finance and Real Estate at Fisher, but there are other markets around the country that are emerging with affordability and robust job growth. 
John Gray receiving his OSCM Distinguished Scholar Award
November 8, 2023
Operations and Supply Chain Management

Gray named an OSCM Distinguished Scholar

John Gray, the Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Operations and Business Analytics, has been named one of two Distinguished Scholars by Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), a division of the Academy of Management. Learn more about Gray's journey into academia and how he became the fourth Fisher faculty member to earn the recognition since 2003.
How Gen Z at Ohio State's Center for Innovation Strategies is generating F500 breakthroughs
November 7, 2023

How Gen Z at Ohio State's Center for Innovation Strategies is generating F500 breakthroughs

 Paul Reeder, executive director of the Center for Innovation Strategies, discusses what innovation means for businesses today, and how that meaning can be measured as progress.
Home sellers awarded $1.8B in lawsuit against realtors
November 2, 2023
Spectrum News 1

Home sellers awarded $1.8B in lawsuit against realtors

Donald Sheets, executive director of The Ohio State University Center for Real Estate, discusses the federal ruling   against the National Association of Realtors and multiple real estate companies for colluding to inflate commissions, and its impact on the residential real estate market in Ohio.
Fintech conference explores frameworks shaping modern-day business
November 2, 2023
The Ohio State University

Fintech conference explores frameworks shaping modern-day business

Researchers, practitioners, experts and students gathered for the second annual Fintech @ Ohio State and Beyond Conference to deepen their understanding of the technology that supports modern-day business. The event also included news of the launch of Fisher's new Fintech Micro-Credential, its latest step in non-degree graduate offerings.
Tech Tuesday: Lawsuits against Meta, changes in self-checkouts, DNA origami
October 31, 2023

Tech Tuesday: Lawsuits against Meta, changes in self-checkouts, DNA origami

Self-checkout was the next big thing in retail sales, but now, after years of long lines and finicky machines, its efficacy is in question. As new forms of advanced checkout are tested in stores across the country, Joe Goodman, chair of Fisher's Department of Marketing and Logistics, joins the discussion about taking deeper look at self-checkout.
Systematic default and return predictability in the stock and bond markets
October 30, 2023

Systematic default and return predictability in the stock and bond markets

Assistant Professor of Finance Shaojun Zhang explains her research and her structural model-based measure of systemic default, which measures the joint probability of multiple companies defaulting simultaneously.
The new spot-bitcoin ETFs are likely to disappoint
October 30, 2023

The new spot-bitcoin ETFs are likely to disappoint

The highly-anticipated spot bitcoin ETFs are likely to be disappointing performers for a considerable time after they are launched.
Screenshot of Global Supply Chain Forum participants Katherine Tai and Annibal Sodero
October 30, 2023
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Building resilient global supply chains: An exploration

A collaboration among two of Fisher’s Centers of Excellence and Ohio State’s East Asian Studies Center put global trade dynamics and supply chain resiliency in the spotlight. The Global Supply Chain Forum connected the Ohio State community with U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai and Harvard Professor William Kirby.
Expert advice on ChatGPT: Stay open-minded
October 26, 2023
The Ohio Society of CPAs

Expert advice on ChatGPT: Stay open-minded

ChatGPT is an opportunity for accounting professionals if they can overcome their fear of it, says Noah Jellison, executive director of the Risk Institute.
October 23, 2023
Financial Times


Is the glut of new exchange traded funds (ETF) a sign of an impending catastrophe? Research by Fisher's Itzhak Ben-David, the Neil Klatskin Chair in Finance and Real Estate, Byungwook Kim and their colleague Francesco Franzoni shows the underperformance of many of the news ETFs.
The secret world of supply chains
October 19, 2023
The Ohio State University

The secret world of supply chains

Supply chains are the backbone to our modern society, and when something goes wrong, there’s an enormous ripple effect. In the latest episode of the Now at Ohio State podcast, Terry Esper, professor of logistics at Fisher, and Katrina Cornish, professor in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, discuss the importance of supply chains, how COVID has changed things and what we can do to make sure things keep running smoothly.
Nonprofits can become more resilient by spending more on fundraising and admin
October 18, 2023
The Conversation

Nonprofits can become more resilient by spending more on fundraising and admin

Balancing administrative costs with direct benefit expenditures is a tightrope for many nonprofits. New insights from Telesilla Kotsi, assistant professor of operations and business analytics, turns conventional thinking on its head by showing how increased spending on overhead and fundraising can actually make an organization more effective and resilient.
When telemarketers keep 90% of donations
October 16, 2023

When telemarketers keep 90% of donations

Brian Mittendorf, the H.P. Wolfe Chair in Accounting, provides context into just how much charities receive from donations solicited by telemarketers in Ohio — and why we're reluctant to ask where the money ultimately ends up.
Aerial photo of Fisher's campus
October 11, 2023
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Supply chain expertise garners national distinction

See how thought leadership — past and present — is continuing to add to Fisher’s legacy as a preeminent source for the very best in supply chain research and insights.
How to cope when your values clash with your co-workers’
October 10, 2023
The Ohio State University

How to cope when your values clash with your co-workers’

Reaping the benefits of a workplace that promotes diversity of experience and perspective can be tricky, especially for those whose values are in the minority. But new research offers a simple way to help ensure these “values minorities” feel more a part of their teams: sharing a little bit about themselves.
Ohio State appoints inaugural executive director of Center for Software Innovation
September 18, 2023
The Ohio State University

Ohio State appoints inaugural executive director of Center for Software Innovation

Shereen Agrawal has been named the inaugural executive director of the Center for Software Innovation, which brings together the College of Engineering, Fisher College of Business and other partners in creative new ways to catalyze efforts across the region to create a hub for innovation, entrepreneurship and product development activity.
Work culture changes as employees have more options
September 7, 2023
Spectrum News 1

Work culture changes as employees have more options

As more companies begin to require in-person attendance among their employees, Clinical Professor of Management and Human Resources Larry Inks says it’s imperative that companies clearly communicate the reason why they’re making the move.
The Rational Reminder Podcast: ETFs, investor behavior and hedge fund fees
August 31, 2023
The Rational Reminder

The Rational Reminder Podcast: ETFs, investor behavior and hedge fund fees

For nearly 25 years, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have been a popular passive investment vehicle for both household and professional investors due to their low transaction costs and high liquidity. But what are the pros and cons? How can you diversify your portfolio to avoid volatility? Itzhak Ben-David, the Neil Klatskin Chair in Finance and Real Estate, offers his take on the current state of ETFs.
You need a hobby. Here's how to find one that's right for you
August 30, 2023
Los Angeles Times

You need a hobby. Here's how to find one that's right for you

Hobbies can improve the quality of your sleep and your overall well-being. Selin Malkoc, professor of marketing and logistics, says hobbies help people focus on themselves and find value beyond their job or family responsibilities.
Ohio State University Center for Real Estate gears up for a new semester with redeveloped programming
August 29, 2023
Columbus Business First

Ohio State University Center for Real Estate gears up for a new semester with redeveloped programming

Learn more about the revamped Ohio State Center for Real Estate and its goals under new executive director Donald Sheets.
Tell Me Your Why Podcast: Terry Esper
August 24, 2023
The Ohio State University

Tell Me Your Why Podcast: Terry Esper

Terry Esper, professor of logistics in the Department of Marketing and Logistics at Fisher, discusses his educational and professional journey, and how his trajectory was enhanced when he stepped back to focus on why he's always been so curious about logistics and supply chain.
What risk lessons can we learn from wildfires?
August 15, 2023
The Risk Institute

What risk lessons can we learn from wildfires?

Noah Jellison and The Risk Institute share their thoughts on what the recent spate of wildfires can teach companies, organizations and industries about environmental risk.
Computer screenshot of software applications
August 9, 2023
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Research: Do free trials convert software shoppers into subscribers?

Since the pandemic, Software as a Service (SaaS) has become big business with companies like Microsoft and Adobe offering free trials to attract new subscribers. Research by Associate Professor of Marketing Alice Li explores the strategy behind free-trials and how companies can leverage them to convert consumers into subscribers.
Investor demand, rating reform and equity returns
August 7, 2023
Alpha Architect

Investor demand, rating reform and equity returns

The traditional financial theory attributes security returns to market- or factor-based risk, with no role ascribed to other influences. In research published by Itzhak Ben-David, the Neil Klatskin Chair in Finance and Real Estate, the authors argue for including investor demand as an additional variable in explaining returns. Can changes in investor demand generate systematic changes in security returns?

Media contact & inquiry

Joe Arnold | Phone: 614-292-3380 | Email: