Ph.D. in Marketing

Objectives & Milestones

It is the objective of our faculty to provide students with the training and experience that will permit them to achieve their career goals. This requires that each student admitted to the doctoral program make a commitment to:

  1. Achieve an integrative understanding of the broad issues in the field of marketing
  2. Develop the skills necessary to design and conduct empirical research publishable in leading journals in marketing and related fields.
  3. Maintain a tradition of scholarship and a professional commitment to excellence in research and teaching.


Year 1

Course work in the marketing department and other departments across the university, such as psychology or statistics.

  • Key milestone: Submit your program of study for approval by the faculty by the end of the academic school year

Summer 1:
Start working on your second year paper

Year 2

Continue your course work.

  • Key milestone: Submit a draft of your second year paper by the end of June

Summer 2:

Key milestone: Present your second year paper to the faculty on or before the first Friday of the new school year

Year 3

Course work complete; Prepare for your comps and start working on your dissertation research.

  • Key milestone: Take your comprehensive exam (typically by December)
  • Key milestone: After passing your exam, form your dissertation committee

Years 4 and 5

  • Key milestone: Defend your dissertation proposal before going on the academic job market
  • Key milestones: Final oral defense of your dissertation and graduation

Important Documents

Ph.D. Program Handbook

Program of Study form

Annual Review form