
Kannan Srikanth is an Associate Professor of Strategy at the Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. Prior to joining Fisher, he was faculty of Strategy and Organization at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University and at the Indian School of Business, and a visiting professor of Strategic Organization Design at the University of Southern Denmark. 

Broadly, his research investigates how to design organizations and inter-organizational relationships to be more effective and more innovative. He has studied mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, outsourcing and offshoring relationships and global product development. He regularly consults and teaches with companies across Asia, Europe and North America. 

He is a member of the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science, and an associate editor at the Journal of Organization Design, the official journal of the Organization Design Community. His research has been published in business press (including the Wall Street Journal), academic journals (including the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal and Strategy Science), and has been widely presented at research conferences around the world.

Areas of Expertise 

  • Organization Design 
  • Innovation and Technology Commercialization
  • Mergers, Acquisitions
  • Outsourcing and Offshoring
  • Global Strategy and Global Teams
  • Implementation 

Areas of Expertise



  • PhD, The London Business School
  • M.S., Stanford University
  • B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology



  1. V Tandon, A Nandkumar, R Mogra, K Srikanth. 2024. Balancing allocative and dynamic efficiency with redundant R&D allocation: The role of organizational proximity and centralization. Forthcoming, Strategic Management Journal
  2. K Srikanth, T Ungureanu. 2024. Organizational adaptation in dynamic environments: Disentangling the effects of how much to explore versus where to explore. Forthcoming, Strategic Management Journal.
  3. M Raveendran, K Srikanth, T Ungureanu L Zheng. 2023. How Do Performance Goals Influence Exploration-Exploitation Choices? Organization Science. 34(6): 2464-2486.
  4. K Srikanth, J Anand, M Stan. 2021. The origins of time compression diseconomies. Strategic Management Journal. 42(9): 1573-1599. 
  5. S. Billinger, K. Srikanth, N. Stieglitz, T. Schumacher. 2021. Exploration and exploitation in complex search tasks: How feedback influences whether and where human agents search. Strategic Management Journal 42(2): 361-385.
  6. K. Srikanth, A. Nandkumar, D. Mani, P. Kale. 2020. How firms build isolating mechanisms for knowledge: A study in offshore Research and Development captives. Strategy Science, 5(2): 98-116.
  7. J. Joseph, O. Baumann, R. Burton, K. Srikanth. 2018. Reviewing, revisiting and renewing the foundations of organization design. Organization Design: Advances in Strategic Management, 40: 1-23. (co-editor of spl issue on Organization Design: )
  8. K. Srikanth S. Harvey and R. Peterson. 2016. A dynamic perspective on diverse teams: Moving from the dual-process model to a dynamic coordination-based model of diverse team performance. Academy of Management Annals, 10(1): 453-493. 
  9. A. Nandkumar & K. Srikanth. 2016. Right person in the right place: How the host country IPR influences the distribution of inventors in offshore R&D projects of multinational enterprises. Strategic Management Journal, 37(8): 1715-1733.   
  10. D. Mani, K. Srikanth & A. Bharadwaj. 2014. Efficacy of R&D work in offshore captive centers: An empirical study of task characteristics, coordination mechanisms, and performance. Information Systems Research, 25(4): 846-864. (An ‘A’ journal in IS Area; included in the FCOB summer funding list): (equal contribution by all authors)
  11. T. Knudsen & K. Srikanth. 2014. Coordinated Exploration: Organizing joint search by multiple specialists to overcome mutual confusion and joint myopia. Administrative Science Quarterly, 59(3): 409-441 (equal contribution)
  12. K. Srikanth & P. Puranam. 2014. The Firm as a coordination system: Evidence from software services offshoring. Organization Science. 25(4): 1253-71.
  13. S. Kotha & K. Srikanth. 2013. Managing a global partnership model: Lessons from the Boeing 787 ‘Dreamliner’ program. Global Strategy Journal, 3(1): 41-66. (Best paper award, 2021).
  14. R. Kotha, G. George & K. Srikanth. 2013. Bridging the mutual knowledge gap: coordination and the commercialization of university science, Academy of Management Journal, 56(2):498-524.
  15. K. Srikanth & P. Puranam. 2011. Integrating distributed work: comparing task design, communication and tacit coordination mechanisms. Strategic Management Journal, 32(8): 849-875.
  16. P. Puranam & K. Srikanth. 2007. What they know Vs. What they do: How acquirers leverage technology acquisitions. Strategic Management Journal, 28(8): 805-825.

TEACHING CASES (all cases available in the HBS case collection)

  1. K. Srikanth R Srinivasaraghavan T Ungureanu 2024 Responding to aggressive competition: Incumbent responses to Huawei’s entry in the global networking equipment industry
  2. K. Srikanth CW Chan 2023 Japan’s Sharp Corporation: Aiming to boost its competitive edge (a) and (b) (original version 2020).
  3. K. Srikanth G. Shah. 2018 Ashok Leyland (A) and (B): Reaching for the stars – embarking on a new vision and strategy; and Shattered Dreams – Transformation for survival. 
  4. K. Srikanth CW Chan 2018 Improving Comfort Del Gro’s flagging taxi business.
  5. K. Srikanth S. Mehrotra P. Arora G. Shah Moser Baer and OM&T – Choosing a strategic partnership mode. 


MBA 6293 - Strategy Formulation & Implementation
Focus on the determination of the strategic direction of the firm and the management of the strategic process. Prereq: Enrollment in MBA or WPMBA program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 980 or 6290 or 6291.
BUSMHR 8040 - Seminar in Organizational Theory and Design
This PhD seminar is intended to introduce students to the foundational questions and perspectives in research on organizational theory and organization design. We will examine organizational research from multiple disciplinary viewpoints (e.g., sociology, economics, political science, etc.), and cover canonical pieces to more contemporary research. Prereq: Enrollment in Fisher College of Business PhD program, or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 2 completions.