
Professor Knemeyer’s research focus is on supply chain relationships. His work has been published in such professional journals as the Harvard Business Review, Transportation Journal, Journal of Business Logistics, and International Journal of Logistics Management. Knemeyer was also a co-author of four chapters in the book Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance.

Areas of Expertise

Logistics/Supply Chain Management
  • Distribution Systems
  • Transportation
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics Customer Service


  • PhD, University of Maryland
  • BSBA, John Carroll University


Journal Articles

Brockhaus, S., S.E. Fawcett, W. Kersten, and A.M. Knemeyer. "A Framework for Benchmarking Product Sustainability Efforts: Using Systems Dynamics to Achieve Supply Chain Alignment," Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, (2016), pp. 127-164.

Fawcett, S.E., S. Brockhaus, A.M. Knemeyer, and A. Fawcett. “Sustainability as Strategy: Caught in the Luxury Trap,” Supply Chain Management Review, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp 16-25.

Grimm, C., A.M. Knemeyer, M. Polyviou and X. Ren, “Supply Chain Management Research in Management Journals: A Review of Recent Literature (2004-2013),” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 45, No. 5, (2015), pp. 404-458.

Hofer, A.R., A.M. Knemeyer and P.R. Murphy, “Achieving and Exceeding Logistics Outsourcing Expectations in Brazil: A Replication Study,” Transportation Journal, Vol.54, No. 3, (2015), pp. 339-367.

Knemeyer, A.M. and S.E. Fawcett, “Supply Chain Design and Integration: Why Complex Collaborative Systems are Easy to Talk About But Hard To Do,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 36, No. 3, (2015), pp. 301-302.

Saldanha, J.P., J.E. Mello, A.M. Knemeyer and V. Vijayaraghavan, “Coping Strategies for Overcoming Constrained Supply Chain Technology: An Exploratory Study,” Transportation Journal, Vol. 54, No. 3, (2015), pp. 368-404.

Saldanha, J.P., J.E. Mello, A.M. Knemeyer and V. Vijayaraghavan, “Implementing Supply Chain Technologies in Emerging Markets: An Institutional Theory Perspective,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 5-26.

Brockhaus, S., W. Kersten, and A.M. Knemeyer, “Where Do We Go From Here? Progressing Sustainability Implementation Efforts Across Supply Chains?” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 34, No. 2, (2013), pp. 167-182.

Goldsby, T., A.M. Knemeyer, J.W. Miller, and C.M. Wallenburg, “Measurement and Moderation: Finding the Boundary Conditions in Logistics and Supply Chain Research,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 34, No. 2, (2013), pp. 109-116.

Winter, M. and A.M. Knemeyer, “Exploring the Integration of Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Current State and Opportunities for Future Research,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 43, No. 1, (2013), pp. 18-38. – 2013 IJPDLM Outstanding Paper Award

Leuschner, R., D.M. Lambert and A.M. Knemeyer, “Logistics Performance, Customer Satisfaction, and Share of Business: A Comparison of Primary and Secondary Suppliers,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 33, No. 3, (2012), pp. 210-226.

Rossiter Hofer, Adriana, A.M. Knemeyer and P.R. Murphy, “The Roles of Procedural and Distributive Justice in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 33, No. 3 (2012), pp. 196-209. – 2013 Bernard J. La Londe Best Paper Award

Knemeyer, A.M. and R.W. Naylor, “Using Behavioral Experiments to Expand Our Horizons and Deepen Our Understanding of Logistics and Supply Chain Decision-Making,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 32, No. 4, (2011), pp. 296-302.

Wallenburg, C.M., D.L. Cahill, A.M. Knemeyer and T.J. Goldsby, “Commitment and Trust as Drivers of Loyalty in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Cultural Differences Between the United States and Germany,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 32, No. 1, (2011), pp. 83-98.

Cahill, D. T.J. Goldsby, A.M. Knemeyer and C.M. Wallenburg, “Customer Loyalty in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: An Examination of Moderating Effects of Conflict Frequency,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 31, No. 2, (2010), pp. 253-277.

Eroglu, C. and A.M. Knemeyer, "Exploring the Potential Effects of Forecaster Motivational Orientation and Gender on Judgmental Adjustments of Statistical Forecasts," Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 31, No. 1, (2010), pp. 179-195.

Wallenburg, C.M., A.M. Knemeyer, T.J. Goldsby, and D.L. Cahill, “Developing a Scale for Proactive Improvement within Logistics Outsourcing Relationships,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, (2010), pp. 5-21. – 2011 IJLM Highly Commended Paper Award

Wallenburg, C.M., D. Cahill, T.J. Goldsby and A.M. Knemeyer, “Logistics Outsourcing Performance and Loyalty Behavior: Comparisons between Germany and the United States,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 40, No. 7, (2010), pp. 579-602. – 2011 IJPDLM Highly Commended Paper Award

Hofer, A.R., A.M. Knemeyer, and M.E. Dresner, “Antecedents and Dimensions of Customer Partnering Behavior in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 30, No. 2, (2009), pp. 141-159.

Hofer, A.R. and A.M. Knemeyer, “Controlling for Logistics Complexity: Scale Development and Validation,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 20, No. 2, (2009), pp. 187-200.

Knemeyer, A.M., W. Zinn and C. Eroglu, “Proactive Planning for Catastrophic Events in Supply Chains,” Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 27, No. 2, (2009), pp. 141-153.

Deepen, J., T.J. Goldsby, A.M. Knemeyer and C.M. Wallenburg, “Beyond Expectations: An Examination of Logistics Outsourcing Goal Achievement and Goal Exceedance,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 29, No. 2, (2008), pp. 75-105.

Rabinovich, E., A.M. Knemeyer and C.M. Mayer, “Why Do Internet Commerce Firms Incorporate Logistics Service Providers in Their Distribution Channels? The Role of Transaction Costs and Network Strength,” Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 25, (2007), pp. 661-681.

Rabinovich, E. and A.M. Knemeyer, “Logistics Service Providers in Internet Supply Chains,” California Management Review, Vol. 48, No. 4, (2006), pp. 84-108.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Exploring the Potential Impact of Relationship Characteristics and Customer Attributes on the Outcomes of Third-Party Logistics Arrangements,” Transportation Journal, Vol. 44, No. 1, (2005), pp. 5-19.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?: An Examination of User and Provider Perspectives Towards Third-Party Logistics Relationships,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 35, No. 10, (2005), pp. 708-727.

Lambert, D.M. and A.M. Knemeyer, “We’re In This Together,” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 82, No. 12, (December 2004), pp. 114-122. (Reprinted in, “21st Century Supply Chain Collection,” Harvard Business Review, 2004 and “Harvard Business Review on Supply Chain Management,” Harvard Business School Press, 2007)

Lambert, D.M., A.M. Knemeyer and J.T. Gardner, “Supply Chain Partnerships: Model Validation and Implementation,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 25, No. 2, (2004), pp. 21-42.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Evaluating the Performance of Third-Party Logistics Arrangements: A Relationship Marketing Perspective,” Journal of Supply Chain Management: A Global Review of Purchasing & Supply, Vol. 40, No. 1, (Winter 2004), pp. 35-51.

Rogers, D.S., Lambert, D.M. and A.M. Knemeyer, “The Product Development and Commercialization Process,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, (2004), pp. 43-56.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Promoting the Value of Logistics to Future Business Leaders: An Exploratory Study Using a Principles of Marketing Experience,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 34, No. 10, (2004), pp. 775-792.

Bolumole, Y., A.M. Knemeyer and D.M. Lambert, “The Customer Service Management Process,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, (2003), pp. 15-31.

Knemeyer, A.M., T.M. Corsi and P.R. Murphy, “Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Customer Perspectives,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 24, No. 1, (2003), pp. 77-109.

Knemeyer, A.M., T.G. Ponzurick and C.M. Logar, “A Qualitative Examination of Factors Affecting Reverse Logistics Systems,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 32, No. 6, (2002), pp. 455-479.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Academic and Career Issues in Logistics,” Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy, Vol. 69, No. 4, (2002), pp. 411-429.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Logistics Internships: Employer and Student Perspectives,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 32, No.2, (2002), pp. 135-152.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Just Do It: Educators’ Views on Logistics Internships,” Defense Transportation Journal, Vol. 57, No. 6, (December 2001), pp. 6-10.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “Logistics Internships: Employer Perspectives,” Transportation Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4, (Fall 2001), pp. 16-26.

Knemeyer, A.M. and P.R. Murphy, “A Taste of the “Real” World: Suggestions for Improving the Effectiveness of the Logistics Internship Experience,” Defense Transportation Journal, Vol. 56, No. 5, (October 2000), pp. 8-16.

Knemeyer, A.M., P.R. Murphy and R.F. Poist, “Opportunities for Women in Logistics: An Analysis of Student Perspectives,” Transportation Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1, (1999), pp. 34-41.

Corsi, T.M., R.J. Windle, and A.M. Knemeyer, “Evaluating the Potential Impact of Interstate Highway Rights-of-Way Commercialization on Economic Activity at Interchanges,” Transportation Journal, Vol. 43, No. 2, (1999), pp. 16-25. – Results of study cited in Wall Street Journal

Murphy, P.R., J.M. Daley and A.M. Knemeyer, “Comparing Logistics Management in Small and Large Firms: An Exploratory Study,” Transportation Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3, (1999), pp.18-25.

Knemeyer, A.M., P.R. Murphy and R.F. Poist, “Do You Think I'm Sexy?: Suggestions for Improving the Attractiveness of the Logistics Major,” Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy, Vol. 66, No. 1, (Fall 1998), pp. 54-64.


Murphy, P.M. and A.M. Knemeyer, “Contemporary Logistics” 11th Edition (2014), Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.

Lambert, D.M., A.M. Knemeyer and J.T. Gardner, “Building High Performance Business Relationships,” 1st Edition (2010), Sarasota, FL, Supply Chain Management Institute.

Book Chapters

Co-author on five chapters in, “Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance”, 1st edition (2004); 2nd edition (2006); Chinese edition – Peking University Press (2007); 3rd edition (2008) and 4th edition (2014). Douglas M. Lambert, Editor, Sarasota, FL, Supply Chain Management Institute.

Knemeyer, A.M., D.M. Lambert and S.J. Garcia-Dastugue, “The Customer Service Management Process” – adapted from journal article appearing in the International Journal of Logistics Management in 2003.

Rogers, D.S., D.M. Lambert and A.M. Knemeyer, “The Product Development and Commercialization Process” – adapted from journal article appearing in the International Journal of Logistics Management in 2004.

Lambert, D.M., A.M. Knemeyer and J.T. Gardner, “Developing and Implementing Partnerships in the Supply Chain” – adapted from journal article appearing in the Journal of Business Logistics in 2004.

Lambert, D.M., A.M. Knemeyer, K.L. Croxton and S.J. Garcia-Dastugue, “Supply Chain Management: The Next Steps”

Lambert, D.M,, A.M. Knemeyer, and S.J. Garcia-Dastugue, “Supply Chain Mapping”

Co-author on a chapter in, “Handbuch Kontraktlogistik: Das Management Komplexer Logistikdienstleistungen” (Contract Logistics Handbook: The Management of Complex Logistics Services), 1st Edition (2007), Wolfgang Stolzle, Jurgen Weber, Erik Holmann, and Carl M. Wallenburg, Editors, Weinheim, Germany, Wiley-VCH.

Goldsby, T.J. and A.M. Knemeyer, “Contract Logistics in North America”

Co-author on a chapter in, “Business Performance Measurement: Theory and Practice,” 2nd Edition (2007), Andy Neely, Editor, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press.

Lambert, D.M. and A.M. Knemeyer, “Measuring Performance: The Supply Chain Management Perspective”


BUSML 3380 - Logistics Management
Concepts and methods used to plan and manage logistics activities in a business environment. Understanding of the components of logistics management and tradeoffs required to manage the integrated flow of goods through the supply chain. Prereq: Econ 2001.01, or equiv.; and 2002.01, or equiv. Not open to students enrolled in UUSS, UExp, or PreBSBA-PR.
BUSML 7391 - Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Overview of the key components of managing and operating a supply chain, including the strategic role of supply chain management in determining both the firm's financial performance and the customer experience.
BUSML 5389 - Logistics and Supply Chain Decision Making
Analysis of logistics decision making in the context of the business environment; application of the solution methods needed to meet business goals. Capstone designed to expand on previous courses and prepare students to implement concepts in logistics and supply chain management. Prereq or concur: 4380.
BUSML 8380 - Research Seminar in Logistics
Research issues in logistics. For each topic, key literature will be reviewed and discussed to understand the current state of research in the area, evaluate the research methodologies employed, and identify gaps in the academic literature. Prereq: 7380 and 7381, and enrollment in Fisher College of Business PhD program. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs.