In The Headlines

August 23, 2018
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
The Undergraduate Veterans Leadership Program
The Undergraduate Veterans Leadership Program provides military and veteran students at Ohio State with a unique opportunity to develop and refine their leadership skills.

August 23, 2018
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Esper honored with Multicultural Mentoring Award
Associate Professor of Marketing and Logistics Terry Esper was recently named the 2018 recipient of the Williams-Qualls-Spratlen (WQS) Multicultural Mentoring Award of Excellence by the American Marketing Association.
August 23, 2018
The Lantern
The Lantern
Merchant-Semmler administration make strides over the summer
The Lantern profiled Undergraduate Student Government President Shamina Merchant, a fourth-year MIS student, and Vice President Shawn Semmler, a fourth-year finance student, a few months after taking office.

August 19, 2018
Understanding donor advised funds
Brian Mittendorf, holder of the Fisher Designated Professorship in Accounting, explains how donor advised funds work, what controversies surround the practice of using donor advised funds, and where this segment of charitable giving is headed in the future.
August 17, 2018
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal
The end of quarterly reporting? Not much to cheer about
There isn’t much evidence that suggests short-term reporting harms long-term goals. But corporate executives see quarterly reports in a different light, and investors are likely to overreact to disappointing earnings no matter how often they come around. Itzhak Ben-David, the Neil Klatskin Chair in Finance and Real Estate, and his colleague have an even more-drastic idea: Companies should update their basic financial information — assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses — daily or even in real time.

August 17, 2018
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
New faculty bring global perspectives, business experience to the classroom
As it builds on a solid foundation as a destination for top thought leaders and world-class researchers, Fisher College of Business proudly welcomed 1
Mike earned a master’s degree in financial economics from Ohio University and has experience working at a number of private and public organizations. Laura earned her PhD in accounting from the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. Her research and teaching interests ceRachel earned her PhD in accounting from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Her research interests include computational linguistics,Patrick joins Fisher having attended the University of Florida, from which he expects to earn his PhD in accounting. He holds a master’s degree from tBrian is completing his PhD in accounting at The University of Texas at Austin. He holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in accounting from Utah StateKathy earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a master’s degree and a JD from The John Marsh
Jack earned his PhD in financial economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where his research interests included corporate finance, houVictor earned a PhD in economics from HEC Paris and a master’s degree from École Polytechnique/ENSAE/SciencesPo. Prior to his PhD, he was a visiting Steve currently serves as a portfolio manager for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, where he is a member of the private real estate team, wChad earned a bachelor’s degree from Fisher and has since put his finance skills to work at a number of recognized brands, including The Oneida Group,
Leo holds a PhD in strategy from Washington University in St. Louis and a master’s degree in economics and strategy from Northwestern University. His Heidi completed a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership and a master’s degree in business administration at Franklin University. She spent 13Stephanie earned her PhD in higher education administration from The Ohio State University and an MBA from Fisher. In addition to her interest in high
Prior to arriving at Fisher, John served as a visiting faculty member and taught both graduate and undergraduate courses in statistical theory and app
Vince earned his PhD in supply chain management from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville in 2018, after completing an MBA with a dual concentration Grant earned his PhD in marketing from Harvard Business School and a master’s degree in psychology from San Francisco State University. His research iDong Soo earned his PhD, master’s and bachelor’s degrees in management engineering from KAIST in Seoul, South Korea. His research interests include quMaria earned her MBA from Fisher and was a senior strategy consultant with the Chicago Sports Commission, where she developed a strategic plan to guid
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August 16, 2018
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Dean’s Leadership Academy develops students into leaders
Casey Miglin felt lost as a leader. As head of a student organization, she decided to develop her skills in managing the group and its members. She found the perfect opportunity through a summer offering of the Dean’s Leadership Academy at Fisher College of Business.

August 15, 2018
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Jiang honored by Academy of Management
Highlighting a new generation of thought leadership at Fisher, Kaifeng Jiang was named the recipient of the HR Division Early Career Achievement Award by the Academy of Management (AOM) at its 2018 conference.

August 10, 2018
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Fisher marks summer graduates of the Class of 2018
The Fisher College of Business community continued to celebrate the Class of 2018 with a number of Summer Commencement events.
August 9, 2018
NBC News
NBC News
New York and other states are targeting the NRA's bottom line
If financial sanctions against the NRA catch on in other blue states, experts like Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professorship in Accounting, say it could make things more difficult.

August 8, 2018
Tesla doing its part to shrink stock market that keeps going up
Firms as of late have found public markets a poor mechanism for evaluating intangible assets like brand names or research and development, Rene Stulz, the Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking & Monetary Economics at Fisher, wrote in a recent report for the National Bureau of Economic Research.
August 7, 2018
U.S. News & World Report
U.S. News & World Report
7 simple ways to freshen up an old workout
There's a surprisingly simple way to combat that in-a-rut feeling when it comes to exercise: Do the same thing in a new way, according to research by Fisher's Rob Smith.
August 7, 2018
How your schedule could actually be *hurting* your productivity
Dr. Selin Malkoc, an associate professor of marketing and the lead author on the studies from Fisher says having the right balance of free time versus scheduled time in your daily planner is key to boosting productivity, and the precise ratio is different for each person.
August 6, 2018
Future of opioid lawsuit becomes an issue in Ohio attorney general's race
Dave Freel, an ethics professor at Ohio State University and retired director of the Ohio Ethics Commission, said Steve Dettelbach, a Democrat running for Ohio attorney general took the proper actions to wall himself off from any true conflict of interest in the state's lawsuit against opioid manufacturers.
August 4, 2018
The New York Times
The New York Times
The stock market is shrinking. That’s a problem for everyone.
The American stock market has been shrinking. The market is half the size of its mid-1990s peak, and 25 percent smaller than it was in 1976. “This is troubling for the economy, for innovation and for transparence,” said René Stulz, the Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking & Monetary Economics.
August 2, 2018
The New York Times
The New York Times
Apple’s $1 trillion milestone reflects rise of powerful megacompanies
In 1975, 109 companies collected half of the profits produced by all publicly traded companies. Today, those winnings are captured by just 30 companies, according to research by René M. Stulz, the Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking & Monetary Economics at Fisher, and his colleague, Kathleen M. Kahle.
August 2, 2018
The San Francisco Chronicle
The San Francisco Chronicle
Is cryptocurrency behind Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s surge in assets?
Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professorship in Accounting, shares insights into cryptocurrency and its use by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, one of the first U.S. charities to accept donations of cryptocurrency.

August 1, 2018
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Remembering the legacy of Betty Schoenbaum
The Max M. Fisher College of Business community lost a beloved supporter and friend with the passing of Betty Schoenbaum on July 31, 2018.
July 31, 2018
The Daily Mail
The Daily Mail
Want to be happy? DON'T make plans for your free time
If you want to be happy, don't make plans for your free time, says research by Selin Malkoc, associate professor of marketing. The key to happiness is 'rough scheduling' rather than firm plans.
July 31, 2018
The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Want to be happier? Stop scheduling your free time.
Your social calendar might be sucking the joy out of activities that are supposed to be fun or relaxing, according to an upcoming paper co-written by Selin Malkoc, associate professor of marketing at Fisher.
July 30, 2018
How to spot a narcissist
Almost all offices have them. The person whose self-belief exceeds their abilities, who belittles their co-workers, and who considers themselves so special and unique, they're left infuriated when others fail to recognize them. We're talking about the office narcissist. Tim Judge, the Joseph A. Alutto Chair in Leadership Effectiveness, tells us how to spot one.

July 30, 2018
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
KeyBank’s financial support of Fisher students tops $3 million
Building on nearly 15 years of meaningful engagement in shaping future business leaders, The Ohio State University Max M. Fisher College of Business and KeyBank have extended their successful partnership into 2023.
July 22, 2018
Psychology Today
Psychology Today
To increase your enjoyment of old things, try this method
Robert Smith and a colleague from the University of Chicago have suggested, in a paper presently in press, that one way to recapture one’s first-time experiences is to use unusual methods of consumption.
July 21, 2018
Education News
Education News
Cultivating opportunity: Campus donors look to the heartland to drive "entrepreneurial ecosystems"
The Keenan Family Foundation made a $17 million commitment to the Ohio State University Max M. Fisher College of Business to strengthen the university’s expertise in the field of entrepreneurship.
July 20, 2018
The Hill
The Hill
Investors and regulators: Beware of the seeming stability of ETFs
Research by Itzhak Ben-David, the Neil Klatskin Chair in Finance and Real Estate, and his colleagues studies whether ETFs abet investor behavior that can eventually lead to a deterioration in the quality of security prices.