New faculty bring global perspectives, business experience to the classroom

As it builds on a solid foundation as a destination for top thought leaders and world-class researchers, Fisher College of Business proudly welcomed 18 new faculty members to campus this academic year.
Representing countries and academic institutions from around the world, the new faces bring a global perspective to Fisher’s classroom and provide students with the diversity of thought and experience that is critical to shaping the perspectives and the educational experiences of the next generation of business leaders.
Accounting and Management Information Systems
Mike earned a master’s degree in financial economics from Ohio University and has experience working at a number of private and public organizations. He was a senior accountant at Deloitte, and worked at the Office of Internal Audit at the State of Ohio. He served as an adjunct professor of accounting at Columbus State Community College and as an MBA instructor at Ohio University. He is a lead internal auditor at NiSource.
Preferred Name: Mike
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Massillon, Ohio
Previous Institution/Organization: NiSource, Inc. and Ohio University
What brought you to Fisher?
In addition to my industry experience, I have taught at Ohio University for many years. Despite working full-time, completing graduate school and having three kids, I continued to teach every semester. It wasn’t until I was contacted by and had several discussions with the Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems at Fisher that I revisited aspirations to teach full-time. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity at Fisher College of Business and can’t wait for my first class here.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
I am interested in teaching audit and cost accounting. I am also intrigued by the influence of data analysis on audit procedures and the profession.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was named the recipient of the Dr. Glenn Sumners Student Medal Award from the Institute of Internal Auditors in 2015. I earned the 2014 Young Alumnus Award from the Ohio University School of Accountancy.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
Most of my non-working time joyfully involves my youngsters, Madeline (5), Jocelyn (3) and Jack (1). Along with my wife Kristen, we try to make as much use of local metro and state parks as we can. I usually spend any remaining time on home renovation projects. I am an ardent Cleveland Browns fan, and I also enjoy following the Cleveland Indians and Columbus Blue Jackets.
Laura earned her PhD in accounting from the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. Her research and teaching interests center around tax and financial accounting. Her industry experience includes tax positions at J.D. Cloud & Co. LLP, in Cincinnati, and at Crowe Horwath, LLP, in Columbus.
Preferred Name: Laura
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Hilliard, Ohio
Previous Institution/Organization: University of South Carolina
What brought you to Fisher?
Fisher has a great reputation for research, teaching and colleagues. It was also close to home for me — a perfect combination!
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My research interests include behavioral accounting research, primarily in the area of tax and financial accounting. I am particularly interested in topics related to financial reporting of income taxes and the behavior of accounting professionals (audit and tax). My teaching interests include tax and financial accounting.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was named the 2017 recipient of the School of Accounting Outstanding Doctoral Student Teaching Award at the University of South Carolina. Additionally, I was a 2016 AAA/Deloitte/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium Fellow.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
Right now I spend a lot of my “free” time keeping up with my young kiddos. I love playing team sports (soccer is my favorite) and trying new recipes in the kitchen. I am also active in a local church.
Rachel earned her PhD in accounting from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Her research interests include computational linguistics, corporate governance, investor information processing and regulation/standard setting. She completed her undergraduate degree in accounting and economics at the University of Notre Dame.
Preferred Name: Rachel
Hometown, State, Province, Country: St. Louis, Missouri
Previous Institution/Organization: University of Chicago Booth School of Business
What brought you to Fisher?
I am very excited for the opportunity to work at Fisher because of its great faculty, who will now be my colleagues. Fisher has a culture that is highly supportive of the creation of impactful research and an active learning environment. Columbus is a thriving and dynamic city that keeps me close to friends and family.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
The focus of my teaching will be financial accounting. My research interests include regulation, corporate governance, disclosure, information processing and textual analysis
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was named to the Katherine Dusak Miller PhD Fellowship (2016-2017) and the Booth School of Business PhD Fellowship (2013-2018). I earned the Teaching Award for Exceptional Service to the University of Chicago’s Executive MBA Program (2016) and a NASA Missouri Space Grant (2008).
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I enjoy reading, baking and gardening.
Patrick joins Fisher having attended the University of Florida, from which he expects to earn his PhD in accounting. He holds a master’s degree from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University and earned a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His primary research interests are in the areas of auditing and gender diversity issues in accounting.
Preferred Name: Patrick
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Fairhaven, Massachusetts
Previous Institution/Organization: The University of Florida
What brought you to Fisher?
I chose Fisher for a number of reasons, including the reputation of its accounting program and the productivity of the faculty. I also enjoyed the culture and workshop during my visit — faculty are productive and serious, but they are also down-to-earth. Overall, I felt very comfortable and welcomed by the team here.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My research focus is auditing and financial accounting.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I am very proud to have been a KPMG Doctoral Scholar throughout my entire PhD program. I also received the Heavener School of Business Teaching Award at the University of Florida.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
Exercise is a large part of my life. I ran a good amount in the PhD program, and I was a rower in college. I still get on the rowing machine at least three days a week. I am also a car enthusiast. When I am not working, I am usually fixing or building the next project car in my garage.
Brian is completing his PhD in accounting at The University of Texas at Austin. He holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in accounting from Utah State University. Prior to pursuing his PhD, Brian worked as a senior associate at EY in its Financial Accounting Advisory Services group in New York City. His previous experience includes a position as a postgraduate technical assistant at the Financial Accounting Standards Board in Norwalk, Connecticut.
Preferred Name: Brian
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Salt Lake City, Utah
Previous Institution/Organization: The University of Texas at Austin
What brought you to Fisher?
I was looking to join, upon completion of my PhD at The University of Texas, a faculty where I could continue to grow as a scholar. I found the people at Fisher to be active and engaged in their own high-quality accounting research, as well as generous with their time and suggestions for my own research.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My primary research interests relate to the processes by which accounting rules are developed, as well as mergers and acquisitions, litigation, and financial reporting generally.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was a 2017 AAA/Deloitte Foundation/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium Fellow, as well as a recipient of a 2016 Deloitte Foundation Doctoral Fellowship.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
In my spare time I enjoy running, playing golf, reading and spending time with my wife and three children.
Kathy earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a master’s degree and a JD from The John Marshall Law School. She worked as part of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s Bankruptcy Operations and has teaching experience as a lecturer of business law at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater College of Business and Economics.
Preferred Name: Kathy
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Chicago, Illinois
Previous Institution/Organization: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
What brought you to Fisher?
My husband also teaches chemistry at The Ohio State University, so, given my passion for accounting, Fisher was really the ideal place to be.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My teaching interests include taxation, financial accounting and business law. Among my research interests are consumer debt and legal tax research.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
After law school, I clerked for U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Bruce W. Black of the Northern District of Illinois. Each year from 2012-2018, I was selected for inclusion in Illinois Super Lawyers – Rising Stars Edition as one of the top up-and-coming attorneys in Illinois. Each year, no more than 2.5 percent of the lawyers in the state receive this honor. I also was recognized as one of the top women attorneys in Illinois in 2013 and 2014 by Super Lawyers.
Jack earned his PhD in financial economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where his research interests included corporate finance, household finance and public policy. He hold a bachelor’s degree in economics and mathematics from Amherst College. Jack was named a Dissertation Fellow by the Federal Reserve Board and served as a research assistant for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
Preferred Name: Jack
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Somerville, Massachusetts
Previous Institution/Organization: MIT Sloan
What brought you to Fisher?
The great faculty and Department of Finance was an attraction for me. Fisher seemed to be an exciting community.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My research and academic interests involve corporate finance and real estate.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was named the recipient of a Department Service Award at MIT Sloan.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I like baking and cooking, and I am an avid bicyclist.
Victor earned a PhD in economics from HEC Paris and a master’s degree from École Polytechnique/ENSAE/SciencesPo. Prior to his PhD, he was a visiting scholar at Harvard and Columbia University. His research interests include financial intermediation, corporate finance, life insurance, macroeconomics and labor.
Preferred Name: Victor
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Paris, France
Previous Institution/Organization: HEC Paris
What brought you to Fisher?
As an academic, I would like to contribute to the production of influential research. I am delighted and excited to join Fisher's world-class research environment, where faculty members are at the forefront of research in their field. I also value teaching and advising students, and I look forward to meeting the students at Fisher.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My research interests cover a wide range of topics in financial economics. The main focus of my research is in the field of financial intermediation, and my current research projects relate to life insurance and corporate finance. I have also worked on a paper in macroeconomics. The best papers often occur where theory meets empirics, therefore, I have worked both on applied economic theory and empirical projects, which I do my best to keep enlightened with theory. This approach has led me to think of an economic theory for new empirical findings, hand collect data, construct original variables, and connect with policy makers or industry practitioners.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
My job market paper received the 2017 SUERF Marjolin Prize and the Cercle K2 Best Finance Paper Award. Another paper received the Best Student Paper Award at the 5th ECGC Workshop on Governance and Control, and I was proud to receive the AFFI-FNEGE Award for the best thesis in corporate finance in France (2018).
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
In addition to economics and finance research, I enjoy sightseeing, sports, reading, arts and especially music. I play multiple instruments, including the saxophone. I was part of a New Orleans jazz band in Paris and look forward to learning about the music scene in Columbus!
Steve currently serves as a portfolio manager for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, where he is a member of the private real estate team, which actively invests and manages an approximately $8 billion equity real estate portfolio. Steve received his bachelor’s degree in economics and business administration from Hanover College in 1986 and an MBA from The Ohio State University in 1991.
Preferred Name: Steve
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Columbus, Ohio
What brought you to Fisher?
As a real estate practitioner with experience in debt, equity and securities, I am excited about teaching Fisher students the principles of income-producing real estate and promoting the commercial real estate profession as a credible career path within the finance field.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My academic interest center on commercial real estate and real estate finance.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I am a charterholder for both the CFA (2000) and CAIA (2010).
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
My interests outside the classroom include food, reading, Ohio State football, biking, hiking, architecture and urban design.
Chad earned a bachelor’s degree from Fisher and has since put his finance skills to work at a number of recognized brands, including The Oneida Group, L Brands and P&G. He currently serves as senior director of commercial finance at The Oneida Group, where he leads innovation, marketing, trade and sales, and the business unit finance organization.
Preferred Name: Chad
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Toledo, Ohio
Previous Institution/Organization: The Oneida Group, L Brands, P&G
What brought you to Fisher?
As an engaged alumnus of Fisher, I have remained close to campus over the last decade. Now, I want to turn my passion into a full-time career teaching students and seeing them grow as I leverage the breadth and depth of my corporate experiences in the classroom. There is a positive energy when I walk on campus, and I look forward to having that feeling propel me for years to come
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My interests lie in corporate and international finance, and in the links between strategy, personnel and execution
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was awarded the annual CFO Excellence Award at L Brands for revamping the sales and labor forecast process, which saved the organization 15 hours per week. At P&G, I delivered $10 million in costs savings and secured $30 million in capacity expansion to vertically integrate the supply chain at the company’s Lima plant. I am also a recipient of a Pace Setter Award at Fisher.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I enjoy coaching my sons’ sports teams. I always have a non-fiction book or magazine and a novel in my current reading list. I return to Traverse City, Michigan, once a year to unwind with family, and I enjoy pursuing new physical fitness goals (I competed in my first triathlon this summer).
Management and Human Resources
Leo holds a PhD in strategy from Washington University in St. Louis and a master’s degree in economics and strategy from Northwestern University. His research interests include information, innovation, knowledge creation and transfer, and theory of the firm.
Preferred Name: Leo
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Brasilia, DF, Brazil
Previous Institution/Organization: Washington University in St Louis
What brought you to Fisher?
I was impressed with the quality of the research produced here. Fisher is recognized as being a top business school, and I am lucky to be a part of it.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My research focuses on the factors that impact the use and acquisition of knowledge by firms. Those factors include firms’ boundary decisions, governance structure, networks, routines and human capital. Right now, I am focused on knowledge acquisition from external sources such as other firms and external hires. Specifically, I study how vertical integration changes a firm’s ability to access knowledge from the outside.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I am the recipient of the 2017 Strategic Management Society’s Annual Conference PhD Paper Prize.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I enjoy baking, table shuffleboard and weight training. I am good at none of these.
Heidi completed a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership and a master’s degree in business administration at Franklin University. She spent 13 years providing leadership to the veterinary industry prior to joining Fisher. Most recently, she spent three years with the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University as an assistant director and practice administrator for the Veterinary Medical Center’s newest location in Dublin, Ohio.
Preferred Name: Heidi
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Worthington, Ohio
Previous Institution/Organization: The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
What brought you to Fisher?
In 2015, I was asked to teach in a summer graduate program that delivers a business minor to our health science majors. The student group is primarily made up of veterinary students, and my course focused on services marketing in health care. I eventually transitioned to teaching undergraduate courses part-time after leaving veterinary medicine. I am excited to now serve my department in a full-time position.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
Prior to Fisher, I taught a mix of undergraduate business courses. I have been with Fisher part-time since 2015, primarily teaching strategic management. The bulk of my professional background is 14 years of management in the field of veterinary medicine, most recently with The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. I am passionate about veterinary management and small business leadership.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
Recently, I was selected to the 2018-2019 Ohio State Lecturer Learning Community cohort. I am completing an inclusive teaching endorsement with the university, and these efforts, combined with my focus to better serve my students and my college, led to my selection. This program funds a one-year, self-selected project that will increase my overall teaching effectiveness.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I enjoy dedicating personal time to a local nonprofit that promotes underserved students’ access to STEM careers. I volunteer with this organization and serve as a board member. I also have the honor of functioning as a taxi service to my daughters and caretaker to my family and pets. I am training to become a trainer for Ohio State’s Open Doors Program, a social justice and engagement program.
Stephanie earned her PhD in higher education administration from The Ohio State University and an MBA from Fisher. In addition to her interest in higher education, Stephanie is also a freelance writer focusing on issues related to health and wellness in the workplace and the community.
Preferred Name: Stephanie
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Cincinnati, Ohio
Previous Institution/Organization: The Ohio State University
What brought you to Fisher?
I recently finished my doctorate in the College of Education.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
I am interested in a number of areas, including strategy, management, leadership, organizational behavior, higher education governance and administration.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I enjoy hiking, swimming, running, cooking and literature. I also write freelance articles for Edible Columbus magazine.
Management Sciences
Prior to arriving at Fisher, John served as a visiting faculty member and taught both graduate and undergraduate courses in statistical theory and application at The Ohio State University’s Department of Statistics. His teaching experience at Ohio State also includes statistics in business, engineering and sports, as well as biostatistics courses for graduate-level students in the Colleges of Public Health and Dentistry.
Preferred Name: John
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Dayton, Ohio
Previous Institution/Organization: The Ohio State University
What brought you to Fisher?
One of the reasons I was drawn to analytics and statistics is that I never stop learning, as these techniques are used in all fields. Fisher provides a diverse range of areas in which I can continue to ply my trade in new and creative ways. Being able to learn, teach and assist in fields once foreign to me is a fascinating and immensely rewarding pursuit.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My interests include business statistics and analytics at all levels, including sports analytics, problem solving and critical thinking, data science and analytic curriculum development.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was named the recipient of a faculty recognition award from Fisher College of Business in 2017. I earned a PhD in statistics at Ohio State, and I am a proud trombone alumus of TBDBITL and the Florida State Marching Chiefs. I served as a halftime show designer for The Ohio State University Marching Band.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I enjoy sports (go Bucks!), as well as reading and spending time with my family and friends.
Marketing and Logistics
Vince earned his PhD in supply chain management from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville in 2018, after completing an MBA with a dual concentration in supply chain management and finance at the University of San Diego. He served in a logistics capacity as a U.S. Army platoon leader during Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was responsible for the leadership, mentorship, development and training of 31 soldiers. He oversaw preparation and planning for combat missions dedicated to the sustainment of logistical operations.
Preferred Name: Vince
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Denver, Colorado
Previous Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee
What brought you to Fisher?
Fisher is an outstanding institution with a prestigious reputation. I sought an opportunity to join a leading organization in academia and was fortunate enough to be offered that chance. Coming to Fisher was a no-brainer, frankly.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
I research crowdsourcing and sustainability topics within the logistics and supply chain management domains. I will be teaching Logistics Analytics and Sustainable Supply Chain Management this year at Fisher.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
In the last year of my doctoral program at UT, I received the Haslam College of Business Outstanding Doctoral Student Researcher Award as well as the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management Outstanding Doctoral Student Teaching Award.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I am a woodworker and motorcycle enthusiast. I am also married (as of July 7), and my wife Lauren and I have a big friendly German Shepherd named Koda, who occupies much of our time.
Grant earned his PhD in marketing from Harvard Business School and a master’s degree in psychology from San Francisco State University. His research interests include judgment and decision making, consumer welfare and field experiments.
Preferred Name: Grant
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Elk Grove, California
Previous Institution/Organization: Harvard Business School
What brought you to Fisher?
The Sustainable and Resilient Economy (SRE) program at Ohio State and amazing faculty colleagues were among the reasons I chose Fisher.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
I strive to conduct research that will improve consumer welfare in regard to sustainability, and decisions related to money, food and cooperation. I enjoy field experiments with the goal of influencing policy. I teach advertising and promotions in the Department of Marketing and Logistics. In the coming years, I hope to design and teach a green marketing course.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I was the 2017 AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow at Harvard Business School. In 2016, I won the Experimental Pitch Competition at Harvard University for my work on the use of graphic warning labels in reducing the purchase of sugary beverages.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
I bake bread and enjoy open-water swimming and running competitions. I love to play miniature golf.
Dong Soo earned his PhD, master’s and bachelor’s degrees in management engineering from KAIST in Seoul, South Korea. His research interests include quantitative marketing, choice and demand models and entertainment markets.
Preferred Name: Dong Soo
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Seoul, South Korea
Previous Institution/Organization: KAIST
What brought you to Fisher?
I have spent about five years at Fisher as a visiting researcher. My colleagues are wonderful and have great attitudes and passion for research. I have learned a lot from them during my stay. I hope to join and contribute to this fantastic research group.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My research focuses on economic analysis on consumer demand for developing firms’ marketing mix strategies. In line with my research, I am interested in teaching how to use various quantitative methods for marketing mix development.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I have not yet received any remarkable awards, accolades or recognition in my academic career, but I hope to win them with my colleagues at Fisher in the near future.
Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests.
My hobby is watching professional soccer games — I am a big fan of Manchester United, an English soccer team. I also enjoy playing StarCraft in my spare time.
Maria earned her MBA from Fisher and was a senior strategy consultant with the Chicago Sports Commission, where she developed a strategic plan to guide CSC forward with clear goals around priority sporting market segments and strategies to continue to enhance the reputation of Chicago within the sport tourism industry. She was also the communications leader of Olympic Operations for The Dow Chemical Company, where she was responsible for leading the communications strategy for the Carbon Partnership of Dow’s Olympic sponsorship.
Preferred Name: Maria
Hometown, State, Province, Country: Moscow
Previous Institution/Organization: Chicago Sports Commission
What brought you to Fisher?
I have a passion for teaching and for exploring the marketing industry, and I wanted to share that with Fisher students and faculty.
Please share your research focus and/or teaching interests.
My academic focus is marketing and strategy. My experience working with a number of global organizations has allowed me to learn more about the challenges marketers face while working in design.
Please share some professional awards/accolades/recognition of which you are proud.
I worked at three Olympic Games — Vancouver (2010), London (2012) and Sochi (2014), as well as this year’s FIFA World Cup in Russia. I was responsible for the Football Park on Red Square, in the heart of Moscow, where visitors could practice with football professionals, get autographs and compete in matches between different countries’ fans.