Executive MBA
Executive Coaching

We understand that leadership isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about leveraging that knowledge to propel careers and drive organizational change. That's why we've integrated executive coaching into our curriculum, providing unparalleled individualized support to our students.

What sets our Executive MBA program apart is our commitment to nurturing not just skilled professionals, but visionary leaders. Through our executive coaching approach, students have access to a seasoned executive coach who serves as a trusted guide throughout their academic journey.

Here's how our executive coaching empowers our students:

  • Tailored Guidance: Our executive coach works closely with students to identify their unique strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. Through personalized assessments and one-on-one sessions, they create tailored development plans that align with each student's goals.
  • Skill Enhancement: Whether it's honing negotiation techniques, mastering strategic decision-making, or refining communication skills, our coaches provide targeted guidance to enhance executive competencies crucial for career advancement.
  • Leadership Development: True leadership goes beyond management skills; it's about inspiring others, driving innovation, and navigating complex challenges with confidence. Our executive coach focuses on cultivating these leadership qualities, empowering students to lead with authenticity and impact.
  • Career Acceleration: Leveraging the insights gained from executive coaching, our students are equipped to make strategic career moves and seize opportunities for advancement. From crafting compelling leadership narratives to navigating career transitions, our coaches provide invaluable support at every stage.

At Fisher College of Business, we believe that leadership is not a destination but a journey of continuous growth and self-discovery. With our integrated executive coaching approach, we empower our Executive MBA students to unleash their full potential, driving meaningful change in their organizations and beyond.

Discover how executive coaching can elevate your career to new heights. Join us at an upcoming Preview Day to speak with current students or schedule a one-on-one with a member of our team. 

Contact Us

From the moment students embark on their educational journey, through beyond graduation, our team is committed to providing support at every step. Please reach out to us so we can assist you.

Meet the Executive MBA Support Team