Outreach and Partners
The Ohio State CIBER supports international education business and research across the State of Ohio and the country by collaborating with a variety of consortiums, organizations, and university centers including, but not limited to, the following:
Area Studies Centers
Ohio State is also home to a number of federally funded Title VI centers, including Africa, East Asian, Latin America, Eastern Europe/Slavic, and Middle East Studies Centers. The partnership with these organizations to co-host distinguished speakers, provide resources to Fisher students, and co-sponsor cultural events allows Ohio State CIBER to utilize their significant expertise.
Center for Operational Excellence
The mission of the Center for Operational Excellence at The Ohio State University is to work alongside our members to foster that culture by using tried and true principles of operational excellence that can transform products, processes, and routines in any organization, in any industry. With a drive for excellence at the core of what they do, their collaborative relationships with members often focus on the following goals: making data driven decisions, increasing speed to market, reducing lead time, strengthening supply chain relationships, improving quality, creating a continuous learning culture, and developing collaborative leaders.
Columbus Council on World Affairs (CCWA)
The CCWA's mission is to increase global awareness in the Columbus region. Their vision is to be the leading nonpartisan, globally-focused organization in the Columbus Region. The Council fosters a community that is well-informed about critical international issues as they affect the world, nation and the local region, and whose citizens utilize this insight to make effective decisions in our global society. Ohio State CIBER works closely with CCWA to partner on the Global Scholars Diploma program for local high school students.
Consortium for Minority-Serving Institutions & Community Colleges
The CIBER Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) and Community College (CC) Consortium (CMCC) acts as a resource multiplier in connecting schools across the CIBER network with MSIs and CCs nationwide for the purpose of internationalizing business education, thereby increasing the visibility of and access to innovative development opportunities for faculty, staff and students.
The CMCC consists of universities across the country that are home to the Centers for International Business Education & Research (CIBER), a Title VI grant provided by the U.S. Department of Education. The CMCC includes The Ohio State University, the University of South Carolina, University of Washington, George Washington University, Indiana University, Sand Diego State University, Brigham Young University, Florida International University, Georgia Tech, Texas A&M University, Michigan State University, and the University of Maryland.
Global Gateways
Ohio State CIBER partners with the Global Gateways, satellite offices of The Ohio State University in key emerging nations, to provide our students and faculty with easy entry points into internationally compelling locations for research and study programs.
Greater Columbus Sister Cities International
Since 1996 Greater Columbus Sister Cities International creates exchanges and connections that promote peace and strengthen communities. With a vision to be a catalyst for sustainable international economic, cultural, educational and environmental partnerships GCSCI plays a unique role in the vitality of the community. GCSCI does this by collaborating with the business community, diverse local communities, and thriving arts and education sectors. Through these strong collaborations GCSCI is helping central Ohio play a dynamic international role that is critical to growth in the 21st century.
JobsOhio, the state’s unique private economic development corporation, acts as a catalyst for high-growth business investments and job creation that are helping propel the state’s ingenuity and ambitions forward. Founded 12 years ago, JobsOhio is a first-of-its-kind, state-authorized, nonprofit built with private stable financial resources, seasoned professionals with private sector expertise, a statewide network of economic development partners, and the long-term investment outlook needed to attract, retain, and expand businesses, payrolls, and career opportunities across the state.
National Association of Small Business and International Trade Education (NASBITE)
Ohio State CIBER is a member of NASBITE, which is the leading authority and industry standard for global business education, trade credentialing, training and practice.
National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM)
The CIBER partnership allows the NCMM to help identify how the middle market firms compete globally. With its unique partnership with GE Capital, Fisher has a unique capability to lead the scholastic growth in the area of middle market companies, one of the fastest growing segments of the US and global economy.
Ohio Export Internship Program
The ability to build and manage export capability is often a constraint that prevents US firms from selling their goods internationally; so Fisher, in a unique partnership with the Ohio Development Services Agency, developed the Export Internship Program which provides subsidized student interns who have been trained in the export functionality to Ohio manufacturers who desire to sell their product internationally.
State of Ohio Department of Development
The work of the State of Ohio Department of Development is is aimed at helping Ohio businesses, communities, and individuals thrive through their divisions of Strategic Investment, Minority Business Development, and Community Services, as well as their Governor's Office of Appalachia, TourismOhio, and more.
The Forum on Education Abroad
The Forum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad. The Forum provides training and resources to education abroad professionals and its Standards of Good Practice are recognized as the definitive means by which the quality of education abroad programs may be judged. The Forum’s mission is to cultivate educators who champion high quality education abroad experiences that ignite curiosity, impact lives, and contribute to a better world.