Fisher Members with Disabilities

Resources for Members of the Fisher Community with Disabilities

  • The Ohio State University Office of Student Life Disability Services
    Student Life Disability Services collaborates with and empowers students who have disabilities in order to coordinate support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and university life.
  • The Ohio State University Disability Studies Program
    The Ohio State University Disability Studies Program emphasizes interdisciplinary and intersectional work in disability studies. It treats disability as a political, cultural and social process, placing as much importance on structures, relations and representations as on individual bodies.

Student Organizations

  • Buckeyes for Accessibility
    B4A's vision is to create a diverse community at Ohio State that understands that disability culture goes beyond the scope of traditional medical or social models and pushes the greater Ohio State community to become a more accessible and inclusive space. It is a space where people with or without disability can come together and freely discuss  experiences with disability, find resources and build community.

  • Autism Speaks U at The Ohio State University
    The Ohio State University student chapter furthers the mission of Autism Speaks by engaging the campus community (faculty, staff and students) through education, awareness, friendship and fundraising in positively affecting the lives of those with autism spectrum disorders.

  • Best Buddies International
    Best Buddies is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships.

  • Disability Studies Graduate Student Association
     The Disability Studies Graduate Student Association serves graduate students who are completing the interdisciplinary specialization in disability studies or who are interested in learning more about it, and about disability studies at the university. The association provides  opportunities for students to network with each other and learn about the ways that disability studies intersects with other academic disciplines.

  • Fisher Business Students with Disabilities Association (organization currently inactive)
    A student organization dedicated to serving the needs of Fisher students who have disabilities.