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Undergraduate Programs


Student working on a computer in Fisher classroom

Customize your coursework

Students work with their Academic Advisor to develop an individualized plan that could include a business specialization, a major outside of business, minors, or any combination of these curricular opportunities.

As a business major, you will select one of 12 specializations or the Business Management program (only offered on our regional campuses). Specializations provide in-depth course work with a focus on a specific area of study in business.

Choosing a Specialization

Do you want to change your specialization?

You should email your current advisor to request a change of specialization by the below deadlines:

  • January 31st for summer admission
  • June 1st for autumn admission
  • September 15th for spring admission

In order to change your specialization, you must meet the below requirements and admission is not guaranteed:

  • Minimum Ohio State GPA of 3.10 or better
  • Completion of a minimum of 12 semester hours of Ohio State letter-graded credit *Must be earned post-high school graduation*

It is recommended you be admitted into your specialization of choice at least three semesters prior to graduation. Questions? Schedule an appointment with an advisor.

Are you considering a second specialization? Please keep in mind the second specialization policy