Accounting Honors Program
Graduation with Honors in Accounting
All BSBA graduates receiving "honors in accounting" must successfully complete the following requirements:
- An overall minimum cumulative grade point-hour ratio of 3.5 or higher.
- Completion of 60 semester hours of graded coursework in residence at the Columbus campus.
- Completion of at least 8 honors (or equivalent*) courses in Accounting and MIS, including ACCTMIS 2200H, 2300H, 3100H, 3200H, 3201H, 3300H and at least two from the following courses: 3400H, 3600H, 5200H, 5500H.
- Completion of at least one honors course (or Director-approved substitute*) in an area other than Accounting and MIS with a grade point of 3.5 or higher (A or A-).
- A cumulative grade point average of 3.5 is required for all courses taken in the Department of Accounting and MIS.
* A student seeking to substitute a non-honors course for an honors course must submit a request to the Accounting Honors Program Director in writing. Only courses that are significantly in excess of the regular undergraduate requirements are eligible for consideration. (Economics 4001 is now a requirement of the accounting specialization and will no longer be allowed as a substitute.)
**If you enroll in the accelerated BSBA/MAcc program, you may substitute specific courses in the Master of Accounting program for ACCTMIS 3400H and 5200H.