
Ronnie Weiner is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Finance. Throughout Ronnie’s career, he rose from a bond trader to a senior bond trader, portfolio manager, and finally, Mutual Fund Manager with $4 billion of assets under management. Ronnie has also taught at Ohio University, Otterbein University, and Denison Edge.

He is a Wall Street Journal, Barron's, and Marketwatch finance contributor.

At OSU, Ronnie is the academic advisor for the CFA Equity Analysis Challenge. He also teaches both undergraduate and MBA financial institutions, investments, insurance and risk, and foundations of finance.

Outside of OSU, Ronnie founded an edTech platform called CICA (seeka). CICA provides K-12 financial literacy and professional development services. CICA aims to spread financial literacy as far and wide as possible. He also illustrated and wrote a children's book, “Princess Peyton and Her Adventures Through Time,” in which, for every book sold, one is donated to Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He wrote the book for his niece and in honor of his sister, who passed away from a brain tumor in 1998. In 2018, he donated over 300 books to the hospital to be enjoyed by children receiving medical care and their families. Ronnie is also President of his sister’s scholarship foundation, The Carolyn Ann Weiner Scholarship. The foundation awards scholarships to students who may not have the highest GPA, but ones who have faced extraordinary circumstances.

He received his Master’s in Financial Economics from Ohio University. Throughout his master’s program, Ronnie focused his research on the United States yield curve, including his thesis titled “Deconstructing the Yield Curve using Economic Indicators Most Pertinent to the United States Dollar.”

He resides in Westerville, Ohio with his wife, his daughter, and his two dogs.

Areas of Interest/Expertise:
• Bond Trading and Analysis
• Fixed Income Portfolio/Fund Management
• High Yield Fixed Income
• FX Hedging
• Credit Analysis/Financial Statement Analysis
• Asset Management
• The Federal Reserve and monetary policy
• Yield Curve Analysis


BUSFIN 3300 - Principles of Insurance
Basic principles and main characteristics of the Insurance Industry and the fundamentals of risk identification, insurance contracts, and annuities. Prereq: Econ 2001.01, 2002.01, and BusMHR 2292.
BUSFIN 4221 - Investments
Skills for valuation and theories and applications of CAPM, APT, and efficient markets; investment options, forwards and futures, interest rate parity, and relevant market regulation. Prereq: 3220, BusMgt 2320, 2321, and BusMHR 2292. Not open to students with credit for 722, 4220 or 4222.
BUSFIN 7260 - Financial Institutions
Main roles of financial institutions used by firms such as commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies. Prereq: MBA 6223, BusFin 6211, 6212, or enrollment in SMB-Finance program.
BUSFIN 3120 - Foundations of Finance
Develops skills related to Time Value of Money, Risk and Return with applications in business and personal finance. Prereq: AcctMIS 2000, Math 1116 or above, Econ 2001.01. Not open to students with credit for 3220. Not open to students enrolled in the BSBA program.