
Min Tian is an assistant professor in the Department of Marketing and Logistics at the Fisher College of Business. She joined Fisher after earning her Ph.D. from the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Professor Tian’s research examines how consumers respond to marketing-related communications using advanced statistical and econometric methods. These communications span various stages of the customer purchase funnel, including consideration, purchase, and post-purchase consumption. Her work has been published in leading marketing journals, such as Marketing Science and the Journal of Marketing Research.

Areas of Expertise

  • Advertising
  • Applied Bayesian Modeling in Marketing
  • E-commerce
  • Online/Offline Marketing Interaction
  • Quantitative Marketing


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison

M.S., Georgetown University


Tian, M., Kaufman, D. W., Shiffman, S., & Arora, N. (2024).Over-the-Counter Drug Consump-
tion: How Consumers Deviate from Label Instructions. Journal of Marketing Research,
61(3), 430-450. Link:

Tian, M., Hoban, P. R., Arora, N. (2024). What cookie-based advertising effectiveness fails to measure. Marketing Science, 43(2), 407-418. Link: 

Pang, H., Ge, W., Tian, M. (2008). Solvability of nonlocal boundary value problems for ordinary differential equation of higher order with a p-Laplacian. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56, no. 1 (2008): 127-142. Link: 


Working Papers

Cross Channel Effects and Synergies in Digital and Traditional Advertising (with Paul Hoban and Neeraj Arora)




BUSML 4202 - Marketing Research
Course examines the role of marketing research in the formulation and solution of marketing problems. Emphasis is placed on problem formulation, research design, data collection methods (instruments, sampling, operations) and analysis techniques. Prereq: 3250, AcctMIS 2200, 2300, BusOBA 2320, and 2321; and BusMHR 2291 or 2292.
BUSML 7252 - Data Driven Marketing
We will study the impact of analytics on successful marketing decisions with different data set. The course covers a spectrum of topics that include marketing metrics, digital analytics, marketing response models, experimentation, and big data. It is designed for students with some background in quantitative methods and exposure to basic marketing research concepts. Prereq: Enrollment in the Specialized Master in Business Analytics (SMB-A) program, or permission of instructor.