After college, Jeff Standley worked as an engineer for a large aerospace company and later attended law school. Upon becoming a lawyer Jeff began a career in intellectual property law (patents, trademarks, and copyrights), as a private practice attorney, first for a large law firm and later starting his own firm known today as Standley Law Group LLP in Dublin, Ohio, where he is the Managing Partner. In his legal career Jeff has represented small, medium, and large business clients from all over the globe. He has litigated cases as lead trial counsel in courts in at least seventeen States. He has been called upon by other firms to serve as an expert witness in cases involving intellectual property disputes. He has helped numerous clients obtain patents and trademarks and copyrights. Jeff has been an invited speaker to University business law classes for several years, and more recently took on the role of teaching an evening business law class for the semester.
The Ohio State University, BS Mechanical Engineering
Capital University Law School, Juris Doctorate
- BUSFIN 4510 - Legal Business Issues
- Fundamentals of contracts and other legal aspects of business. Prereq or concur: 3500 and BusMHR 2291 (BusAdm 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 510.