Assistant Professor - Clinical (9M)
Marketing & Logistics
- BUSML 4201 - Consumer Behavior
- Examines how and why people behave as consumers. Its goals are to provide an understanding of consumer behavior and to provide experience in the application of this knowledge to marketing management and social policy decision making. Prereq: 3250, AcctMIS 2200, 2300, BusOBA 2320, and 2321; and BusMHR 2291 or 2292.
- BUSML 3250 - Principles of Marketing
- Presents the concepts, framework and tools of market-based management to deliver superior customer satisfaction, value and profitability. The focus of the course is on identifying, creating, delivering and measuring value creation. Prereq: Econ 2001.01 and 2002.01. Not open to students with credit for 3150 (650) or 450 or to students enrolled in UUSS, UExp or PreBSBA-PR.