Taner Pirim
Assistant Clinical Professor of Finance
- BUSFIN 3222 - Foundations of Investments
- Basic principles and methods of investment for non-Business majors. Prereq: 3120 (420) and AcctMIS 2000. Not open to students with credit for 4221 (722) or 522. Not open to students enrolled in the BSBA program.
- BUSOBA 6221 - Data Analysis for Financial Management Part I
- Introduction to data analysis and statistics for business. Emphasis on achieving an application-oriented understanding of statistical inference and regression analysis and their use in decision making. Part I of 2 course sequence. Prereq: Enrollment in MBOE or SMB-Finance Program Course. Not open to students with credit for 870. This course is progress graded.
- BUSOBA 6222 - Data Analysis for Financial Management Part II
- Introduction to data analysis and statistics for business. Emphasis on achieving an application-oriented understanding of statistical inference and regression analysis and their use in decision making. Part 2 of 2 course sequence. Prereq: Enrollment in MBOE or SMB-Finance Program Course. Concur: 6221. Not open to students with credit for 870.
- BUSADM 3630.01 - Business Industry Cluster
- Exploration of current interdisciplinary best business practices in industry. Students will work across business specializations to learn strategy and implementation details from current industry professionals. Prereq: Previous enrollment in 3630.01, or admission to Business Industry Cluster Program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 505.01.
- BUSADM 3632.01 - Business Industry Cluster Project Experience
- Hands-on experience in the execution of industry business practices to fill a need articulated by an operating public or private organization. Prereq: Enrollment in Business Industry Cluster Program, or permission of instructor. Prereq or concur: 3630.01. Not open to students with credit for 506.01.
- BUSFIN 4234 - FinTech
- 'FinTech' refers to financial sector innovations involving technology-enabled business models that can facilitate disintermediation, revolutionize how existing firms create and deliver products and services, address privacy, regulatory and law-enforcement challenges, provide new gateways for entrepreneurship, and seed opportunities for inclusive growth. Prereq: 4211 and 4221.
- BUSFIN 3250 - Foundations of International Finance
- Management of financial risk inherent with international business; problems of implementing corporate finance principles; International Capital Markets, for non-Business majors. Prereq: 2200, 3220 (620), or 420. Not open to students with credit for 4250 or 725.
- BUSFIN 7234 - FinTech
- Financial technology (FinTech) is revolutionary and rapidly changing the financial services industries. This graduate course provides an introduction to FinTech such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum), alternative lending, machine learning, and robo-advising. Prereq: MBA 6223, or concur BusFin 7210 or 7220 or 7230, or enrollment in SMB-Finance program.