Tanya Menon
Tanya Menon is Professor of Management and Human Resources at Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. She studies how people think about relationships, and how this affects the way they make decisions, collaborate, and lead at work. Her research has been cited in various media outlets including NPR, the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Times of London (UK), and the Guardian (UK). She has won multiple teaching awards (at both Ohio State and as Associate Professor at the University of Chicago). She has conducted corporate trainings, keynotes, and consulting all over the world (including for US Intelligence Community, Discover Financial Services, CareerBuilder.com, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, McKinsey Academy, DHL, Cummins, Express, Scotts, Citibank (India), Tetrapak (Italy), Aetna, Sherwin Williams, Erie Insurance, McCormick, the Environmental Protection Agency, American Bar Association Chief Bar Executives, Ronald McDonald House Charities, and the Deloitte Women's group).
Menon earned a bachelor's degree in sociology from Harvard University in 1995 and her Ph.D. from Stanford Graduate School of Business. Prior to graduate school, Menon was a research assistant in INCAE Business School in Costa Rica and an intern in Morgan Stanley's London office. She is currently Associate Editor at Management Science Journal. She wrote a book with Dr. Leigh Thompson, Stop Spending, Start Managing: Strategies to transform wasteful habits (2016, Harvard Business Review Press). Her Ted talk (go.ted.com/tanyamenon), originally presented at Tedx Ohio State University, has reached over 1.8 Million views and was named as one of the top 7 TED talks of 2018 (so far) by entrepreneur.com, and one of TED.com's most popular talks of 2018. (www.ted.com/playlists/682/the_most_popular_ted_talks_of_2018).
Areas of Expertise
- Groups/Teams
- Negotiations and Decision Making
- Power and Persuasion
- Organizational Behavior
- Culture
- Knowledge Sharing and Networks
- Ph.D., 2000, Organizational Behavior, Stanford Graduate School of Business
- B.A., 1995, Sociology, Harvard University, Magna cum laude
May 2017 Tedx Talk Ohio State University - Strategies to Widen Your Social Universe
Chakravarti, A1., Menon, T.,* & Winship, C. In press. Contact and Group Structure: A natural experiment of interracial college roommate groups. Organization Science. *First authors contributed equally.
Menon, T. & Chakravarti, A. 1 In press. Social Resilience and the Persistence of Diverse Relationships. Positive Psychology of Diversity. Eds. Davidson, Wooten, and Roberts. Invited Contribution.
Menon, T., Smith, N. 2014.*1 Identities in Flux: Cognitive Network Activation in Times of Change. Social Science Research. 45: 117-130. *Both authors contributed equally.
Menon, T., Sheldon, O. J. and Galinsky, A. D. (2014), Barriers to Transforming Hostile Relations: Why Friendly Gestures Can Backfire. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 7: 17–37.
Wang, C., Whitson, J., & Menon, T. 2012. Culture and Pattern Perception: American and East Asian Faith in Horoscopes. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 630-638.
Smith, E. B. 1, Menon, T. & Thompson, L. 2012. High and low status groups activate different network structures under job threat. Organization Science. 23: 67-82.
Menon, T., & Phillips, K. W. (2011). Getting even vs. being the odd one out. Cohesion in Even- and Odd-Sized Groups. Organization Science, 22, 738-753.
Menon, T. & Thompson, L. (2010). Managing envy. Harvard Business Review, April.
-Reprinted in Harvard Business Review On Point: Emotional Intelligence. (Summer 2014).
Menon, T., Sim, J. 1 , Fu, H.Y. , Chiu, C.Y. & Hong, Y.Y. (2010). Blazing the trail versus trailing the group: Culture and perceptions of the leader’s position. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 113, 51-61.
Menon, T. & Thompson, L. (2007). Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful: Self-enhancing biases in threat appraisal. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 104, 45-60.
Menon, T., Thompson, L., & Choi, H.1 (2006). Tainted Knowledge versus Tempting Knowledge: Why People Avoid Knowledge from Internal Rivals and Seek Knowledge from External Rivals. Management Science, 52, 1129-1144. (Lead Article)
Menon, T & Fu, H.Y. (2005) Culture and control: How independent and interdependent selves experience agency and constraint. In E. A. Mannix, M. A. Neale, & Y. Chen (Eds.), Research on Managing in Teams and Groups (Vol. 9, 21-51). Greenwich, CT: Elsevier Science Press.
Menon, T. & Pfeffer, J. (2003). Valuing Internal versus External Knowledge: Explaining the Preference for Outsiders. Management Science, 49, 497-513.
Menon, T. & Blount, S. (2003). The Messenger Bias: How Social Relationships Affect the Valuation of Knowledge. Research in Organizational Behavior, 25, 137-187.
Hong, Y., Ip, Grace, Chiu, C., Morris, M.W., & Menon, T. (2001). Cultural Identity and Dynamic Construction of the Self: Collective Duties and Individual Rights in Chinese and American Cultures. Social Cognition, 19, 251-268.
Menon, T. & Morris, M.W. (2001). Social Structure in North American and Chinese Cultures: Reciprocal Influence between Objective and Subjective Structures. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 2, 27-50.
Morris, M.W., Menon, T., & Ames, D.R. (2001). Culturally Conferred Conceptions of Agency: A Key to Social Perception of Persons, Groups, and Other Actors. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 169-182.
Chiu, C., Morris, M. W., Hong, Y., & Menon, T. (2000). Motivated cultural cognition: The impact of implicit cultural theories on dispositional attribution varies as a function of need for closure. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 78, 247-259.
-Reprinted in Crisp, R. (2014). Intercultural Communication. Taylor and Francis.
Menon, T., Morris, M. W., Chiu, C., & Hong, Y. (1999). Culture and the construal of agency: Attribution to individual versus group dispositions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 701-717.
-Reprinted in Hamilton, D. L. (2005). Social Cognition: Classic and Contemporary Readings. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
- MBA 6200 - Organizational Behavior, Teamwork and Leadership-EMBA
- An overview of factors that influence individual, group and organizational work performance and techniques to improve it; analytical frameworks for determining effectiveness of given techniques in specific circumstances. Prereq: Enrollment in Executive MBA program or permission of instructor.
- MBA 6201 - Organizational Behavior
- An overview of factors that influence individual and team performance and techniques to improve it; analytical frameworks for determining effectiveness of given techniques in specific circumstances. Prereq: Enrollment in MBA or WPMBA program; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 860.