
Ret. Col. Terry Klinker is a senior lecturer in the Department of Management Sciences. He teaches undergraduate courses in business analytics, operations management, and operations planning and control.

Klinker has pursued a dual career path, serving in the Army Reserve and National Guard while building a civilian career that has included engineer, manager and director positions at Corning Inc.,T echnicolor (formerly Thomson Multimedia), and Toledo Engineering. Klinker also has served as owner and principal of several small-business interests.  

Klinker deployed as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, serving as the base engineer for U.S. Central Command forward for 18 months. He was called up in support of Hurricane Katrina/Rita recovery efforts in 2005, serving as the Army Corps of Engineers representative at the U.S. Northern Command. He assumed the role of Partnership of the Americas Engagement Taskforce commander in 2008, directing a joint operation that included active duty, National Guard, and reserve elements of all four branches of the service. The goal was to develop local infrastructure, build and improve schools, and bring health-care resources to populations with limited access.

Areas of Expertise

  • Lean and Six Sigma
  • Operations strategy
  • Project management


  • MBA, The Ohio State University
  • MA in Strategic Studies, US Army War College
  • BS in Ceramic Engineering, The Ohio State University



BUSOBA 2321 - Business Analytics
Examination of the use of business analytic models used in managerial decision making processes. Emphasis on formulation and interpretation of models; supported by spreadsheet based software. Prereq: Math 1131 or 1151 or equiv., and CSE 1113 or 2111, and Econ 2001.01 or equiv., and Econ 2002.01 or equiv.
BUSOBA 3130 - Foundations of Operations Management
Introduction to operations & supply chain management to improve organizations; specifically analyzing, controlling & improving resources & processes to increase productivity, generate value-added output & meet business strategic & tactical goals. Prereq: Math 1116, 1130, 1148, or equiv, and Econ 2001.01, or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 3230. Not open to students enrolled in the BSBA degree program.
BUSOBA 7717 - Capstone: Healthcare Business Solution Teams
This class focuses on diagnosing and solving real-world problems in life science and healthcare business practices. Prereq: 7701, BusFin 7702, and BusMHR 7703.
BUSOBA 7223 - Project Management
Introduces challenges senior managers face in companies that run multiple projects with a focus on overall project portfolio management, project selection, resource allocation between projects & organizational team design. Students identify their strengths & weaknesses in projects with a creative problem-solving exercise & experience real-life applications with visits from local project managers. Prereq: Enrollment in Fisher College of Business Grad program, or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs.