Jiae Kim
Visiting Assistant Professor (9M)
Marketing & Logistics
Jiae Kim joins the Department of Marketing and Logistics at Fisher as a visiting assistant professor. Prior to arriving at Ohio State, she was a visiting assistant professor at the Department of Statistics at Indiana University, whose interests include statistical learning with specific emphasis on classification, dimension reduction, non-linear classification methods with kernels, and their applications to quantitative marketing research. Jiae earned her PhD from Ohio State in 2020.
- BUSML 4210 - Advanced Market Research and Analytics
- Applications of modern marketing research procedures to variety of marketing problems. Emphasis placed on survey design and sampling, attitude measurement, perceptual mapping, market segmentation, conjoint analysis, and measurement of customer satisfaction. Prereq: 4201, 4202, and BusMHR 2292, or equiv. Not open to students with credit for BusMgt 3333.
- BUSOBA 3333 - Business Analytics: Applied Prescriptive Analytics
- Moving from estimating model parameters, to making data-informed business decisions. Prereq: Econ 2001.01 or AEDEcon 2001; and Econ 2002.01; and Stat 3202, or BusOBA 2320 and 2321; and CSE 2111.