Brian Izzo

Senior Lecturer (9M)

Accounting & Management Information Systems


ACCTMIS 7500 - Auditing Principles and Procedures
Basic theory and practice of auditing. Prereq: Enrollment in MAcc program.
ACCTMIS 7510 - Assurance Services and Information Quality
Examination of the role of assurance services in enhancing the quality of information used for financial decision making, focusing on the perspective of the decision maker. Prereq: 4500 (627), 5500H (627H), or 7500, or equiv, and enrollment in the MAcc program. Not open to students with credit for 822.
ACCTMIS 4500 - Auditing Principles and Procedures
Basic concepts and standards of auditing; audit procedures and working papers, internal and external audit reports; professional responsibilities of auditors. Prereq: 3200, or permission of instructor.
ACCTMIS 4510 - Fraud Examination
The course will cover all major methods employees use to commit occupational fraud involving the misappropriation of assets. Prereq: 3201 and 3600, or permission of instructor.
ACCTMIS 7520 - Fraud Examination: Misappropriation of Assets
Students will learn the major methods used by employees to commit fraud, factors that motivate individuals to commit fraud, misappropriation of assets, study of assets, and fraudulent disbursements, with emphasis on mechanisms to prevent and detect such frauds. Prereq: MBA 6211 (800), or enrollment in MAcc program. Not open to students with credit for 861.