Brian Hipsher
Senior Lecturer (9M)
Marketing & Logistics
- BUSML 4204 - Marketing Projects
- In this advanced marketing course students will act as a consulting team and work with a client firm on a marketing problem, produce a report and present their work. Prereq: 4201 (750), 4202 (758), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01), or equiv; or enrollment in regional campus General Business Program.
- BUSML 4251 - Retail Management
- Examines contemporary distribution channels; focus on strategic decisions for successful retail practices; examine industry trends to highlight how companies design and manage retail and e-tail environments. Prereq: 4201, 4202, and BusMHR 2292, or equiv.
- BUSML 3250 - Principles of Marketing
- Presents the concepts, framework and tools of market-based management to deliver superior customer satisfaction, value and profitability. The focus of the course is on identifying, creating, delivering and measuring value creation. Prereq: Econ 2001.01 and 2002.01. Not open to students with credit for 3150 (650) or 450 or to students enrolled in UUSS, UExp or PreBSBA-PR.
- BUSML 7396 - Consumer Centric Supply Chain
- In this course, we will explore the "ultimate customer" of supply chains, by highlighting consumer trends, consumer expectations, and consumer-facing supply chain contexts, such as retail and last mile logistics.
- BUSML 7715 - Attracting and Retaining Customers in Health Sciences
- This class focuses on the process of attracting and retaining customers in the health sciences industry. Students will explore how to drive growth through new patient acquisition and retention as well as by understanding the practice's ability to provide value, and the patient's needs in relation to that value. Prereq: BusMgt 7701, BusFin 7400, and BusMHR 7264; and enrollment in the Graduate Business Minor in Health Sciences.