Ralph Greco

Senior Lecturer
Director, Nationwide Center for Advanced Customer Insights

Operations and Business Analytics

Areas of Expertise

  • Services
Information Technology
  • Database Design, Management
  • Information Technology
Sustainability/Corporate Responsibility
  • Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility



BUSADM 3630.05 - Business Industry Cluster
Exploration of current interdisciplinary best business practices in industry. Students will work across business specializations to learn strategy and implementation details from current industry professionals. Prereq: Previous enrollment in 3630.05, or admission to Business Industry Cluster Program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 505.05.
BUSADM 3632.05 - Business Industry Cluster Project Experience
Hands-on experience in the execution of industry business practices to fill a need articulated by an operating public or private organization. Prereq: Enrollment in Business Industry Cluster Program, or permission of instructor. Prereq or concur: 3630.05. Not open to students with credit for 506.05.
BUSADM 3630.08 - Business Industry Cluster
Exploration of current interdisciplinary best business practices in industry. Students will work across business specializations to learn strategy and implementation details from current industry professionals. Prereq: Admission to Business Industry Cluster Program.
BUSADM 3632.08 - Business Industry Immersion Project Experience
Hands-on experience in the execution of industry business practices to fill a need articulated by an operating public or private organization. Prereq: 3630.08, or permission of instructor.
BUSOBA 7257 - Data Analysis and Visualization
Designed to equip students with competencies in translating real-world problems into forms that such technologies can assist with, to portray/visualize these translations in ways that enhance the understanding of the dynamics of these problems, to structure mechanisms that derive suggested solutions, to clearly convey the justification and practicality of final solutions to others. Prereq: Enrollment in the MBA or WPMBA program; or permission of instructor.
BUSOBA 7800 - Advanced Topics in Management Sciences for EMBA
Advanced Topics in Management Sciences for students in the Executive MBA Program. Prereq: Enrollment in EMBA program. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 7 completions.
BUSOBA 7331 - Descriptive Analytics and Visualization
Visualization is an effective way to communicate the underlying patterns of data. Students will learn different types of visualization and how to compose and combine them using R. This course covers a wide range of visualization from simple to complex, static to interactive, and familiar to exotic. Students will also be exposed to how to describe and visualize unstructured data such as texts. Prereq: 6400, 7250, enrollment in SMB-Analytics program, or permission of instructor.
BUSOBA 2321 - Business Analytics
Examination of the use of business analytic models used in managerial decision making processes. Emphasis on formulation and interpretation of models; supported by spreadsheet based software. Prereq: Math 1131 or 1151 or equiv., and CSE 1113 or 2111, and Econ 2001.01 or equiv., and Econ 2002.01 or equiv.