
Xiaoyan Deng received her Ph.D. in Marketing from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She conducts experimental research in the area of consumer behavior. Specifically, her research explores the relationship between sensation, perception, and cognition, with a focus on the impact of design on consumer judgment, decision-making, and behavior.

Dr. Deng’s research has appeared in top-tier marketing journals such as the Journal of Consumer ResearchJournal of Marketing ResearchJournal of Marketing, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. Her work has been covered by national media outlets, including New York Times, PBS, Harvard Business Review, among others. She was selected as a Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar based on her research performance.

Dr. Deng serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Consumer Research (2015 - present), Journal of Marketing (2018 - present), and Journal of Marketing Research (2022 - present). She was named an Outstanding Reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Research in 2017.

Dr. Deng teaches in Fisher’s Undergraduate and MBA programs and supervises Ph.D. student research.

Areas of Expertise

  • Consumer Behavior


Ph.D. in Marketing, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2009


Deng, Xiaoyan, Xiaojing Yang, Yuwei Jiang, and Selin A. Malkoc (2023), “‘Reflection, Resilience, Rebound: Consumer Coping with the Pandemic,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8(2/Apr), 1-9.

Kim, Pielah, Xiaoyan Deng, and H. Rao Unnava (2020), “In the Eye of the Beholder: Cross-pollination between Art-infused Products and Retail Spaces,” Journal of Business Research, 117(Sep), 302-311.

Stillman, Paul E., Hyojin Lee, Xiaoyan Deng, H. Rao Unnava, and Kentaro Fujita (2020), Examining Consumers’ Sensory Experiences with Color: A Consumer Neuroscience Approach,” Psychology and Marketing, 37(7/Jul), 995-1007.

Teeny, Jake, Xiaoyan Deng, and H. Rao Unnava (2020), “The ‘Buzz’ Behind the Buzz Matters: Energetic and Tense Arousal as Separate Motivations for Word of Mouth,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30(3/Jul), 429-446.

You, Yanfen, Xiaojing Yang, Lili Wang, and Xiaoyan Deng (2020), “When and Why Saying ‘Thank You’ Is Better Than Saying ‘Sorry’ in Redressing Service Failures: The Role of Self-Esteem, Journal of Marketing, 84(2/Mar), 133-150.

Yang, Xiaojing*, Xiaoyan Deng*, and Amita Bhadauria* (2020), “‘Does Mere Exposure to Beauty-Related Words Promote Prosocial Behavior?: Exploring the Mental Association between Beauty and Prosociality,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 5(1/Jan), 107-116.

Togawa, Taku, Jaewoo Park, Hiroaki Ishii, and Xiaoyan Deng (2019), A Packaging Visual-Gustatory Correspondence Effect: Using Visual Packaging Design to Influence Flavor Perception and Healthy Eating Decisions,” Journal of Retailing, 95(4/Dec), 204-218.

Deng, Xiaoyan, H. Rao Unnava, and Hyojin Lee (2019), “‘Too True to Be Good?’ When Virtual Reality Decreases Interest in Actual Reality,” Journal of Business Research, 100(Jul), 561-570.

Stillman, Paul, Hyojin Lee, Xiaoyan Deng, H. Rao Unnava, William A. Cunningham, and Kentaro Fujita (2017), “Neurological Evidence for the Role of Construal Level in Future-Directed Thought,” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN), 12(6/Jun), 937-947.

Lee, Hyojin, Kentaro Fujita, Xiaoyan Deng, and H. Rao Unnava (2017), “The Role of Temporal Distance on the Color of Future-directed Imagery: A Construal Level Perspective,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43(5/Feb), 707-725.

Deng, Xiaoyan, Barbara E. Kahn, H. Rao Unnava, and Hyojin Lee (2016), “A ‘Wide’ Variety: Effects of Horizontal versus Vertical Display on Assortment Processing, Perceived Variety, and Choices,” Journal of Marketing Research, 53(5/Oct), 682-698.

Lee, Hyojin, Xiaoyan Deng, H. Rao Unnava, and Kentaro Fujita (2014), “Monochrome Forests and Colorful Trees: The Effects of Black-and-White versus Color Imagery on Construal Level,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41(4/Dec), 1015-1032.

Deng, Xiaoyan and Raji Srinivasan (2013), “When Do Transparent Packages Increase (or Decrease) Food Consumption,” Journal of Marketing, 77(4/Jul), 104-117.

Deng, Xiaoyan, Sam Hui, and J. Wesley Hutchinson (2010), “Consumer Preferences for Color Combinations: An Empirical Analysis of Similarity-Based Color Relationships,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(4/Oct), 476-484.

Deng, Xiaoyan and Barbara E. Kahn (2009), “Is Your Product on the Right Side? The ‘Location Effect’ on Perceived Product Heaviness and Package Evaluation,” Journal of Marketing Research, 46(6/Dec), 725-738.

Iacobucci, Dawn, Neela Saldanha, and Xiaoyan Deng (2007), “A Meditation on Mediation: Evidence That Structural Equations Models Perform Better Than Regressions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 17(2/Apr), 139-153. 

Working Papers



BUSML 4201 - Consumer Behavior
Examines how and why people behave as consumers. Its goals are to provide an understanding of consumer behavior and to provide experience in the application of this knowledge to marketing management and social policy decision making. Prereq: 3250, AcctMIS 2200, 2300, BusOBA 2320, and 2321; and BusMHR 2291 or 2292.
BUSML 8253 - Recent Advancements in Marketing Research
Provide students with exposure to leading marketing scholars and their most current research and give them an opportunity to critically evaluate it. Prereq: Doct standing in BusAdm, or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 6 completions.