Carlos Corona

Associate Professor
Accounting & Management Information Systems


ACCTMIS 3300 - Cost Accounting
Managerial decision making in organizations with an emphasis on the use of financial data; theory and practice of management control. Prereq: 2300 (212), BusMgt 2320 (330), 2321 (331), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01); or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 525.
ACCTMIS 8783 - Doctoral Seminar in Managerial Accounting
Examines economic modeling that furthers our understanding of the role of accounting in markets and organizations. Considers theoretical frameworks for the role of information in economic interactions and the strategic consequences of accounting information in enduring economic relationships. Topics include: adverse selection, competition and strategic interactions in product markets, etc. Prereq: Enrollment in AcctMIS PhD program.
ACCTMIS 7310 - Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
Cost systems with emphasis on the appropriate application of system outputs to management decisions. Prereq: MBA 6211, or enrollment in MAcc program.