Carlos Corona

Associate Professor

Accounting & Management Information Systems


ACCTMIS 3300 - Cost Accounting
Managerial decision making in organizations with an emphasis on the use of financial data; theory and practice of management control. Prereq: 2300 (212), BusMgt 2320 (330), 2321 (331), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01); or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 525.
ACCTMIS 8783 - Doctoral Seminar in Managerial Accounting
Required doctoral seminar in Managerial Accounting. Prereq: Enrollment in AcctMIS PhD program.
ACCTMIS 7310 - Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
Cost systems with emphasis on the appropriate application of system outputs to management decisions. Prereq: MBA 6211, or enrollment in MAcc program.