Adam Cockrell
Senior Lecturer (9M)
Operations and Business Analytics
- BUSOBA 4250 - Six Sigma Principles
- Designed to familiarize students with the Six Sigma process improvement methodology and to provide them an opportunity to practice using Six Sigma Black Belt tools. Prereq: 2320, 2321, 3230, and AcctMIS 2200, 2300, and BusMHR 2292; or 3230, ISE 2040, and Stat 3440 or equiv., and enrollment in BSET program.
- BUSOBA 4263 - Strategic Global Sourcing
- This course focuses on the strategic design and management of the global supply base. The course focuses on identifying and understanding risks and uncertainties related to make-buy, location, and on-going supplier management. Beyond that, it focuses on cross-functional decision-making under risk and uncertainty in this context. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), AcctMIS 2200 (211), and 2300 (212); and BusMHR 2291, 2292, or BusADM 499.01.
- BUSOBA 4232 - Operations Planning and Control
- Review of a Planning and Control System. Theoretical frameworks and utilization of techniques to execute strategic and tactical goals to increase productivity and effectiveness of forecasting, scheduling, and inventory and capacity resources. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), and AcctMIS 2200 (211), 2300 (212); and BusMHR 2291 or 2292 (BusADM 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 732.
- BUSOBA 4239 - Managing Process Improvement
- Describes the basics of establishing and managing a Lean process in service, office and manufacturing operations. We will look at how we can add value in delivery of goods or services to the customer. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), and AcctMIS 2200 (211), 2300 (212), and BusMHR 2291 or 2292 (BusADM 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 739.
- BUSOBA 4262 - Purchasing Strategy
- Strategic purchasing is a methodology used in many businesses to realize the greatest amount of benefit to the company while still effectively managing the costs associated with the acquisition of raw materials and operational components. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), AcctMIS 2200 (211), 2300 (212) and BusMHR 2291 or 2292 (BudAdm 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 736.
- BUSOBA 7234 - Purchasing Strategy
- As organizations look to develop a more effective and efficient purchasing function, purchasing managers are integral to the design and execution of purchasing, in accordance with business strategy. This course will focus on the key purchasing management strategies, objectives, processes, tools, and techniques required to address certain purchasing challenges and opportunities. Prereq: Enrollment in Fisher College of Business Grad program, or permission of instructor.