Aditya Chaudhry
Assistant Professor
Aditya Chaudhry is an Assistant Professor in Finance at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University. His primary research interests are asset pricing and macro-finance. His work focuses on 1) using new empirical strategies as well as sophisticated statistical and machine learning methods to identify important structural parameters in asset pricing and macro-finance, and 2) exploring the implications of inelastic demand in financial markets for these fields.
Areas of Expertise
Consumer Finance
Corporate Finance
- Asset Pricing
Ph.D. Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of BUsiness
B.S. Commerce, B.A. Mathematics, University of Virginia
Working Papers
- BUSFIN 4221 - Investments
- Skills for valuation and theories and applications of CAPM, APT, and efficient markets; investment options, forwards and futures, interest rate parity, and relevant market regulation. Prereq: 3220, BusMgt 2320, 2321, and BusMHR 2292. Not open to students with credit for 722, 4220 or 4222.