
Aditya Chaudhry is an Assistant Professor in Finance at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University. His primary research interests are asset pricing and macro-finance. His work focuses on 1) using new empirical strategies as well as sophisticated statistical and machine learning methods to identify important structural parameters in asset pricing and macro-finance, and 2) exploring the implications of inelastic demand in financial markets for these fields.

Areas of Expertise

Consumer Finance

Corporate Finance


  • Asset Pricing


Ph.D. Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of BUsiness

B.S. Commerce, B.A. Mathematics, University of Virginia


BUSFIN 4221 - Investments
Skills for valuation and theories and applications of CAPM, APT, and efficient markets; investment options, forwards and futures, interest rate parity, and relevant market regulation. Prereq: 3220, BusMgt 2320, 2321, and BusMHR 2292. Not open to students with credit for 722, 4220 or 4222.