
Benjamin Campbell is a Professor of Management and Human Resources at the Max M. Fisher College of Business at the Ohio State University. He received a PhD in economics from UC-Berkeley and has an undergraduate degree in mathematics from the Ohio State University.

Dr. Campbell teaches Managerial Economics throughout the Fisher College of Business. He has been named the “Outstanding Full-Time MBA Core Professor” in 2010, 2012, and 2013, the “Outstanding Working Professional MBA Core Professor” in 2011, 2014, 2015, and 2018, the “Outstanding EMBA Core Professor” in 2021, and the “BRIGHT MBA Outstanding Professor” in 2018. He was the recipient of the 2011 Pace Setters Westerbeck Graduate Teaching Award and was nominated for the 2013 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching.

Dr. Campbell is Fisher’s Academic Director for the BRIGHT Initiative which recruits and trains proven leaders from various professions for executive roles in underserved public schools in the state of Ohio.

Dr. Campbell’s research explores the boundary conditions of mechanisms that limit the mobility of human capital to established and entrepreneurial firms and thus adds to the understanding of the role of human capital in creating and sustaining competitive advantage in dynamic environments. His research has appeared in outlets including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Management Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Industrial Relations, and Industrial and Labor Relations Review.  His research has been named the runner-up for the 2014 INFORMS-Industry Studies Association Best Paper Prize and the runner-up for the 2009 Best Conference Paper at the Strategic Management Society.

He has served the community of scholars as the elected representative-at-large for the Strategic Management Society’s Strategic Human Capital Interest group, as a member of the Research Committee of the Business Policy and Strategy Division of the Academy of Management.  He is an associate editor of  Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and is on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, and Organization Science. 

Areas of Expertise

  • Human Capital
  • Employee Mobility
  • Employee Entrepreneurship
  • Labor Markets
  • Knowledge Transfer


  • PhD in Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics, The Ohio State University




Kryscynski, D., Coff, R., Campbell, BA. 2021. Charting a Path Between Firm‐Specific Incentives and Human Capital‐Based Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal. 42(2):386-412.

Campbell BA, Di Lorenzo F, Tartari V. 2021. Employer-Employee Matching and Complementary Assets: The Role of Cross-Organization Collaborations.  Academy of Management Journal. 64(3):799-823.

Tartari, V., Di Lorenzo, F., Campbell, BA. 2020. Another Roof, Another Proof: The Impact of Mobility on Individual Productivity in Science. Journal of Technology Transfer. 45:276-303.

Kryscynski, D., Coff, R., Campbell, BA., Mallory, B. 2019.  Homeward Bound: How Private Utility is Tied to Value Creation and Capture. Tzabbar, D. and Cirillo, B. (Ed.) Employee Inter- and Intra-Firm Mobility (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 41), Emerald Publishing Limited.

Campbell, BA. 2019. Hybrid Entrepreneurship and Labor Market Frictions. Tzabbar, D. and Cirillo, B. (Ed.) Employee Inter- and Intra-Firm Mobility (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 41), Emerald Publishing Limited.

Raffiee, J., Ganco, M., Campbell, BA. 2019. Better the Devil You Know? Examining the Relationship Between Spin-Out Team Assembly and Spin-Out Survival. Tzabbar, D. and Cirillo, B. (Ed.) Employee Inter- and Intra-Firm Mobility (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 41), Emerald Publishing Limited.

Starr E, Ganco M, Campbell BA. 2018. Strategic Human Capital Management in the Context of Cross-Industry and Within-Industry Mobility Frictions. Strategic Management Journal, 39(8): 2226-2254.

Campbell BA, Kryscynski D, Olson, D. 2017. Bridging Strategic Human Capital and Employee Entrepreneurship Research: A Labor Market Frictions Approach. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 11(3):344-356.

Agarwal R, Campbell BA, Franco A, Ganco M. 2016. What Do I Take with Me: The Mediating Effect of Spin-out Team Size and Tenure on the Founder-Firm Performance Relationship. Academy of Management Journal, 59(3):1060-1087.

Campbell BA, Saxton BM, Banerjee P. 2014. Resetting the Shot Clock: The Effect of Comobility on Human Capital. Journal of Management, 40:531-556.

Campbell BA. 2013. Earnings Effects of Entrepreneurial Experience: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry. Management Science, 59(2) 286-304.

Campbell BA. Banerjee P. 2012. Knowledge Complementarities:  Human Capital Management and R&D Investment in High-Technology Firms. International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 4(3/4) 335-355.

Campbell BA, Coff R, Kryscynski D. 2012. Re-thinking Competitive Advantage from Human Capital: How the Concept of Firm-Specificity Has Led Strategy Theorists Astray. Academy of Management Review, 37(3) 376-395.

Carnahan S, Agarwal R, Campbell BA. 2012. Heterogeneity in turnover: The effect of relative compensation dispersion of firms on the mobility and entrepreneurship of extreme performers. Strategic Management Journal, 33(12):1411-1430.

Campbell BA, Ganco M, Franco A, Agarwal R. 2012. Who Leaves, to Go Where, and Does it Matter?:  Employee Mobility, Employee Entrepreneurship and the Effects on Parent Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 33(1):65-87.

Banerjee P, Campbell BA. 2009. Inventor Bricolage and Firm Technology and Development.  R&D Management, 39(5):473-487.

Echambadi R, Campbell BA, Agarwal R. 2006. Encouraging Best Practice in Quantitative Management Research: An Incomplete List of Opportunities. Journal of Management Studies, 43(8):1801-1820.

Brown C, Campbell BA. 2002. The Impact of Technological Change on Work and Wages. Industrial Relations, 41(1):1-33. 

Brown C, Campbell BA. 2001. Technical Change, Wages, and Employment in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54(2): 450-65. 


Book Chapters

Campbell BA, Kryscynski, D. 2019. What are We Isolating? Why Human Capital-Based Competitive Advantage may not be so much about Human Capital. Handbook of Research on Strategic Human Capital Resources, edited by Anthony Nyberg and Thomas Moliterno. Elgar Publishing.

Andersson F, Brown C, Campbell BA, Chiang H, Park Y. 2010. How Good Are U.S. Jobs? Characteristics of Job Ladders across Firms in Five Industries. Labor in the Era of Globalization, edited by Clair Brown, Barry Eichengreen, and Michael Reich. University of Chicago Press.

Andersson F, Brown C, Campbell BA, Chiang H, Park Y. 2008.  The Effect of HRM practices and R&D investment on Worker Productivity. National Bureau of Economic Research Volume:  Analysis of Firms and Employees: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, edited by Stefan Bender, Julia Lane, Kathryn Shaw, Fredrik Andersson, and Till von Wachter. University of Chicago Press.

Campbell BA. 2005. Using Linked Employer-Employee Data to Study Entrepreneurial Issues. Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: Disciplinary Perspectives, edited by Sharon Alvarez, Rajshree Agarwal, and Olav Sorenson.  Springer. 

Raphael S, Brown C, Campbell BA. 2000. High-Tech Industries in California: Panacea or Problem? Policy Issues Facing the California Labor Market, edited by Paul Ong and Jim Lincoln,. Institute of Industrial Relations, UC-Berkeley.


BUSFIN 7702 - Applied Managerial Economics for Health Sciences
To provide an economics-oriented framework for analyzing managerial and organizational problems, and to further the understanding of how a health science firm's internal rules of the game affect behavior and performance. Prereq: Admission into the Business Minor in Health Sciences.
MBA 6243 - Organizations, Markets and Management
Microeconomics from a management and organizational perspective, developing a framework grounded in the fundamentals of economic theory. Prereq: Enrollment in MBA or WPMBA program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 6241 or 812.
BUSMHR 7800 - Advanced Topics in Management and Human Resources for EMBA
Advanced Topics in Management and HR for students in the Executive MBA Program. Prereq: Enrollment in EMBA program. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 7 completions.