Isabella Bunosso
Isabella Bunosso is a Doctoral Candidate in behavioral marketing at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on consumers' psychological and behavioral responses when companies get involved in sociopolitical issues or utilize technological advancements such as artificial intelligence and sustainability innovations. Isabella also researches the role of consumers' value systems (e.g., political ideology, green values, materialism) on judgment and decision-making.
Her work has been published in Scientific American and International Journal of Consumer Studies. Isabella's research has been presented at various marketing conferences, including Association for Consumer Research, Society for Consumer Psychology, Society for Judgment and Decision Making, and Society for Marketing Advances. She has served as a trainee reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Research.
Previously, Isabella earned a Master's of Business Administration in Marketing from Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University and Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing from Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University. Her industry work includes consumer marketing for a media company and social media marketing campaigns for brands such as Urban Outfitters, Princess Polly, Mejuri, and White Claw.
Dr. Grant E. Donnelly (Doctorate of Business Administration, Harvard Business School)
BUSML 4201 - Consumer Behavior
Examines how and why people behave as consumers. Its goals are to provide an understanding of consumer behavior and to provide experience in the application of this knowledge to marketing management and social policy decision making. Prereq: 3250, AcctMIS 2200, 2300, BusOBA 2320, and 2321; and BusMHR 2291 or 2292.
Student Evaluation of Instructor (SEI) Rating: 4.92 (University Average is 4.42)