Christine Bunker

Marketing & Logistics


BUSML 4203 - Marketing Strategy
This case course focuses on strategic planning examining how environmental factors affect long-term marketing strategies, how firms adapt to opportunities and threats in dynamic environments and how to assess development of competitive advantages. Prereq: 4201 (750), 4202 (758), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 752.
BUSML 4204 - Marketing Projects
In this advanced marketing course students will act as a consulting team and work with a client firm on a marketing problem, produce a report and present their work. Prereq: 4201 (750), 4202 (758), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01), or equiv; or enrollment in regional campus General Business Program.
BUSML 4252 - Social Marketing & Public Policy
Examines social marketing, which seeks to benefit a targeted population and the general society rather than a marketer or firm. Non-profit, cause marketing, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability issues are explored. Prereq: 4201 (750), 4202 (758), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01), or equiv.
MBA 6295 - Social Impact
Students will learn about the unique challenges and business environment facing non-profit organizations through the design, execution, and presentation of a socially-impactful consulting project with/for a local non-profit organization. Prereq: MBA 6293, or permission of instructor.