W.C. Benton
W.C. Benton, Jr. is the Edwin D. Dodd Professor of Management and Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Fisher. He teaches courses in the business of health care to undergraduates, MBAs and doctoral candidates and along with courses in purchasing/supply management, manufacturing planning and control, operations analysis, and facility design.
Dr. Benton’s vast research and writing accomplishments include more than 185 articles that have appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, American College of Physician Executives, Decision Sciences, Journal of Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, IEE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Quality Progress, Naval Research Logistics, The Journal of Business Logistics, The Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management, Interfaces, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management. He currently serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management and as a Special Issue Editor for the European Journal of Operational Research. For the Engineer and Manufacturing Divisions at the National Science Foundation, he is a research panel member.
Professor Benton’s expert contribution to the business and governmental arena includes consultancy for Grant Hospital, Ashland, IBM, RCA, Frigidaire, the Federal Highway Administration, Battelle, U.S. Air Force, Gelzer Automated Assembly Systems, Bitronics Inc., the Ohio Bureau of Disability Determination, Bio-Ohio, Carter Group Canada, and the departments of transportation for Ohio, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky.
He serves on the board of directors for the Healthcare Colloquium, The Sleep Medicine Foundation, The House of Hope and The Supply Chain Research Group and is a member of the Decision Sciences Institute, The Institute of Management Sciences, The Institute of Supply Management, The Production and Inventory Control Society, the Operations Management Association, American Society for Quality Control, Society of Logistics Engineers, The Mathematical Association of America and others.
Dr. Benton served with the Third Marine Aircraft Wing, MCAS, El Toro, California, and the III Marine Amphibious Force West Pacific.
- Best Paper published in the IIE Transactions Journal, 2014–2015.
- Best Paper published in 2014–2015 in the Journal of Operations Management, 2014.
- One of the top five most cited paper in the Journal of Operations Management, 2013-2016.
- Five articles are currently included in the Top 25 articles within the Journal of Operations Management.
- Featured in Research in the state of the University research address, 2013.
Areas of Expertise
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
Logistics/Supply Chain Management
- Facility Location
- Supply Chain Risk and Resilience
- Inventory Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Vendor Relations
- Supply Chain Integration
Production/Operations Management
- Manufacturing Planning
- DBA, Indiana University
- MBA, Indiana University
- BBA, Texas Christian University
Benton, W.C. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 4th ed., Sage, Publications (October 2020)
Benton, W.C. (2013, April). Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Benton, W.C. (2013, April). Supply Chain Focused Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management. Cengage/Southwest.
Benton, W.C., and Linda McHenry. (2013, August). Construction Supply Chain Management, McGraw-Hill Irwin. Cengage/Southwest.
Research Related Videos
- Congressional Health Care Analysis
- The Health Care Industry - Ohio State Expert Shares Insights
- On Sharing Part Dimension Information and Its Impact on Design Tolerances in Fixed-Bin Selective Assembly
Selected Publications (2018-2023) *Complete publications list can be found in CV/ Resume*
- Clottey, T.& Benton, JR, W. C. (2024). Synchronizing the Supply of Components for Automotive Assembly amid Chip Shortages and Other Supply Delays" , Production and Operations Management. Production and Operations Management (In Press)
- Clottey, T., & Benton, W. (2024). Impact of Sharing Imprecise Information on Fixed-Bin Selective Assembly. IISE Transactions, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/24725854.2024.2352575
- Lee, S., Shin, H., Benton, JR, W. C. (2023). The Influence of Home Shopping Television Network Impulse Buying on Product Shortages. Journal of Operations Management, 69(7), 1039-1208
- Skowronski, K. C., Benton, JR, W. C. Handley, Sean (2022). The Influence of Culture, Opportunism, and Power on Global Outsourcing Relationships Journal of Operations Management Operations Management. Vol.68 no.3 April
- Toyin Clottey (2021) and Benton, JR, W.C. On Sharing Part Dimensions on a Fixed Bin Selective Assembly Procedure, Production and Operations Management. Production and Operations Management 30 (11), 4089-4904.
- Schweiterman, M., et.al. (2021). Supply Chain Integration for Middle-Market Firms: A Qualitative Investigation, The International Journal of Logistics Management, December 2021. https://www.emerald.com/insight/0957-4093.htm
- Skowronski, K. C., Benton, JR, W. C. Handley, Sean (2021). The Influence of Culture, Opportunism, and Power on Global Outsourcing Relationships Journal of Operations Management Operations Management. (Forthcoming)
- Toyin, C., Benton, JR, W. C. (2021). On Sharing Part Dimensions on a Fixed Bin Selective Assembly Procedure, Production and Operations Management. Production and Operations Management, 30(11), 4089-4904.
- Benton, JR, W. C., Prahinski, C., Fan, Y. (2020). The Influence of Supplier Development Programs on Supplier Performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 230(Article number 107793).
- Skowronski, K. C., Benton, JR, W. C., Hill, J. A. (2020). Perceived Supplier Poaching and Shirking in Outsourcing Relationships in Emerging Economies. Journal of Operations Management, 66(7-8), 989-1023.
- Clottey, T., Benton, JR, W. C. (2020). Technical Note: Recommendations for Assessing Unit Non-Response Bias in Dyadic Focused Empirical Supply Chain Management Research. Decision Sciences, 51(2), 423-447.
- Clottey, T., Benton, JR, W. C. (2020). Sharing Quality? Distribution Information for the Selective Assembly of Intermediary Components in the Automotive Industry. Production and Operations Management, 29(1), 174-191.
- Wetzstein, A., Hartman, E., Benton, JR, W. C., Feisel, E. (2019). Uncovering the supplier selection knowledge structure: A systematic citation network analysis from 1991 to 2017. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 25(4).
- Handley, S. M., De Jong, J. L., Benton, JR, W. C. (2019). How Service Provider Dependence Perceptions Moderate the Power-Opportunism Relationship with Professional Services. Production and Operations Management, 28(7), 1692-1715.
- De Jong, J. L., Benton, JR, W. C. (2019). Dependence and Power in Healthcare Equipment Supply Chains. Health Care Management Science, 22(2), 336-349.
- Skowronski, K. C., Benton, JR, W. C. (2018). The influence of intellectual Property Rights on Poaching in Manufacturing Outsourcing. Production and Operations Management. Production and Operations Management 27 (3), 531-552
Recent Media Appearances and Interviews
- On Sharing Part Dimensions Information and Its Impact on Design Tolerances in Fixed-Bin Selective Assembly, Video
- Nerd Wallett. Internet. 5 Ways Businesses Can Get Ahead of Stalled Supply Chains. (2021)
- VOA News – New York Bureau: On Camera Interview: Supply disruption: “A perfect economic storm”
- Fortune. Magazine. 1.No chicken nuggets, no PB&J: Supply chain issues are on the menu at schools across the country. (2021)
- 10TV. TV. On Camera Interview: The global supply chain blockage and its effects on the auto industry. (December 2021).
- Spectrum News 1. TV. On Camera Interview: Lordstown’s Deal to sell plant to Taiwan’s Foxconn, (September 2021) 2021
- Spectrum News 1. TV. On Camera Interview: Employers step up recruiting to prepare for busy holidays, September 15, 2021
- Spectrum News 1. TV. On Camera Interview: Lordstown Motors. (July 2021)
- BUSOBA 4232 - Operations Planning and Control
- Review of a Planning and Control System. Theoretical frameworks and utilization of techniques to execute strategic and tactical goals to increase productivity and effectiveness of forecasting, scheduling, and inventory and capacity resources. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), and AcctMIS 2200 (211), 2300 (212); and BusMHR 2291 or 2292 (BusADM 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 732.
- BUSOBA 4261 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
- Designed to explore the industrial-institutional purchasing cycle for operating supplies, raw materials, components and capital equipment within the context of the Integrated Supply Chain Management Organizational Concept. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), and AcctMIS 2200 (211), 2300 (212); and BusMHR 2291 or 2292 (BusADM 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 735.
- BUSOBA 8232 - Operations Planning & Control I
- Doctoral research seminar: critical analysis of research in fundamental and classical operations management and operations research topics. Prereq: Enrollment in BusAdm PhD program.
- BUSOBA 8233 - Operations Planning & Control II
- Doctoral research seminar: Critical analysis of research studies in inventory management, warehouse and facility location, vehicle routing, MRP and forecasting. Prereq: Enrollment in BusAdm PhD program.
- BUSOBA 8240 - Operations Method I
- Doctoral research seminar: critical analysis of philosophy of science, qualitative/case study research, survey-based research, research employing secondary data sources. Prereq: Enrollment in BusAdm PhD program.
- BUSOBA 4998 - Undergraduate Research in Management Sciences
- Undergraduate Research in Management Sciences for non-honors students. Prereq: BusAdm 2291 (499), and Jr standing, and permission of instructor. This course is progress graded.