Maneesh Reddy Ajjuguttu

Senior Lecturer (9M)
Operations and Business Analytics


BUSOBA 3230 - Introduction to Operations Management: Improving Competitiveness in Organizations
Introduction to operations and supply chain management to improve manufacturing and service organizations; analyzing, controlling and improving resources and processes to increase productivity, generate value-added output and meet business goals. Prereq: Econ 2001.01, and 2002.01, and Stat 1430, or equiv.; or Math 1151 or 1154, and enrollment in BSET program. Not open to students with credit for 3130, or to students enrolled in UExp or PreBSBA-PR.
BUSOBA 4237 - International Operations Management
Current influences, practices and standards for structural and infrastructural decision making across national boundaries. Explores complexity of managing geographically dispersed operations with relationships between multiple entities. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), and AcctMIS 2200 (211), 2300 (212); and BusMHR 2291 or 2292 (BusADM 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 737.
BUSOBA 4232 - Operations Planning and Control
Review of a Planning and Control System. Theoretical frameworks and utilization of techniques to execute strategic and tactical goals to increase productivity and effectiveness of forecasting, scheduling, and inventory and capacity resources. Prereq: 2320 (330), 2321 (331), 3230 (630), and AcctMIS 2200 (211), 2300 (212); and BusMHR 2291 or 2292 (BusADM 499.01). Not open to students with credit for 732.