Vandana Agrawal

Senior Lecturer (9M)
Marketing & Logistics


BUSML 4204 - Marketing Projects
In this advanced marketing course students will act as a consulting team and work with a client firm on a marketing problem, produce a report and present their work. Prereq: 4201 (750), 4202 (758), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01), or equiv; or enrollment in regional campus General Business Program.
BUSML 4254 - International Marketing
Examines theory and practice of marketing across national borders, marketing and market research within different foreign environments, and development of marketing strategies by the international company. Prereq: 3250 and BusMHR 2292.
BUSML 4253 - Global Marketing
Examines the theory of marketing across national borders, as well as marketing and market research within different foreign environments, including the development of marketing strategies by the international company. Prereq: 3250 and BusMHR 2292 or equiv.