Initiatives and Programs
To have a national impact in developing leading-edge techniques, strategies, and methodologies, we must go beyond the traditional university environment. We can learn from other school's different learning styles, especially those with minority populations and we can help them develop learning activities unique for the diverse groups.
Ohio State CIBER's strategic activities will help not only Ohio's higher education institutions (including community colleges) to build the nation's capacity in increasing employment opportunities, but also aid small and medium-sized companies as they comepte in the global maketplace. A major emphasis that cuts across our programs has been to infuse our international activities with a project component. We believe that this not only gives our students memorable experiences, but also increases their value to prospective employers.
Serving Students:
Serving Graduate Students
Prepare for a global career by gloablizing your education. Each year, more and more Fisher MBAs join multinational organizations that consider a global mindset a critical and valuable employee asset. Many of those same employers expect that the MBAs they hire will spend at least some of their professional lives working and living outside of the USA or their home countries. At the Office of Global Business (OGB), we help you prepare yourself for that global expectation by offering a variety of international opportunities that will challenge and stimulate you while teaching you to "lead from a global perspective".
Serving Undergraduate Students
See some of the programs for Undergraduate, Graduate and High School Students below. Click on the titles for more details.
Global Labs
Global Projects
Global Internships
Export Internship Program (EIP)
Student Exchange
Global Option in Business (GO Business)
Funding Study Abroad Options
Foreign Language and Culture Preparation
In-depth pre-departure preparation for our global programs, each program include basic language training to aid participations in assimilating into the culture
FLAS (Foreign Language and Area Studies) Participation
Provide undergraduates opportunities to work on projects that bring together multiple disciplines locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals, plants and the environment.
To provide college students the opportunity to work together on a problem that typifies a real, working international marketing situation
To provide the case competition sponsor direct contact with the very best marketing students with possible real world solutions to their international marketing problem.
To provide a solid foundation for student involvement and participation within NASBITE International.
Serving High School Students
A partnership with CCWA, the GlobalEd Network of Central Ohio has been strategic in developing an educational consortium to increase the number of globally competent high school graduates from Central Ohio Schools. The Global Scholars Diploma, created by the Columbus Council on World Affairs and rooted in research by Harvard University and the Asia Society, prepares today’s students to be tomorrow’s global leaders.
Ohio State’s Young Scholars Program improves pre-college preparation, retention, and degree completion in academically gifted first-generation students with financial need from nine of the largest urban school districts in Ohio: Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Lorain, Toledo, and Youngstown
Serving Others:
Serving Faculty:
Ohio State CIBER provides Faculty with opportunities to explore global business with Research Awards. See below some of the current and past research awards.
Current '14-'18 CIBE Faculty Global Research Awards
'Effects of Internationally Diverse Knowledge on Innovation Novelty: International Alliances in the Pharmaceutical Industry'
'The Relationship between Innovation Capabilities and Internationalization: Does Firm Size Matter?'
'Why Do Firms Engage in Corporate Social Responsibility Internationally?'
'SMEs and Internationalization: A Comparative Perspective'
'Conformance Quality Performance of Global Drug Manufacturers: Generics Manufacturing'
'Identifying Liability of Foreignness and Using Social Relationship Strategies to Overcome or Avoid Their Affects: The Case of Immigrant Entrepreneurs'
Past Grant Topics
'Protecting the Confidentiality of Shared Information: The Effects of National Property Rights and Industrial Agglomeration'
Elicits competing hypotheses regarding the effects of industrial clustering on confidentiality outcomes, and the role that national property rights protections may play in this relationship.
'National Animosity and Cross-border Alliances'
Extends the cross-border strategic alliance knowledge base by introducing dyad-specific antagonism, holding that formation and type of firm-level cross-border alliances are nontrivially impacted by conflicting relations between their home nations
'Trust, Conflict, Alliances'
Focuses on the antecedents of the governance decision that would align incentives with the expectations and perceptions of partners about eat other; cross-border alliances are of particular interest.
'SMEs Recovery and Survival Rates in China'
Compares the survival and recovery rates of SMEs in China to those in the US, Europe and Latin America
'The Impact of History on Firms’ Governance Choices'
Explaining firms’ cross-border governance choices given the increased exchange vulnerabilities among potential partners. Studies the benefits of contextualization and directionality using multiple levels of analyses.
'Protecting the Confidentiality of Shared Information: Evidence from the Video Game Industry'
Examines the confidentiality breaches of a sample of 1,650 video games over an 11-year span by web-crawling the data archives of a major, illicit distribution channel.
‘Institutional Environments for SMEs’
To study the difference in how the strength of institutions affect small to mid-size enterprises (SMEs) that experience financial, economic, and political crises in the US, Europe and Latin America.
‘From Offshoring to Reshoring: Where Do Intermediate and Smaller Sized Manufacturers Stand?’
Bringing production back to the home country from an offshore location is reshoring and this research investigates three paths firms are following
‘Quality Risk in Offshore Manufacturing: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry’
To understand effect of location-specific factors and distance-related factors on the international transfer and replication of knowledge and practices in the context of quality
‘Innovation Capabilities and Internationalization of Large vs Small Firms’
To argue that the nature of innovation leading to internationalization for such firms will differ from that undertaken by larger firms
‘Towards a Balanced Integration of Transaction Cost and Resource-Based Logics in Intermediation Theory’
Develop a process-based model that describes how internationally operating firms manage their global talent portfolio to ensure increased growth through reverse innovation
‘Employee Knowledge Search and Task Level Objectives in a Global Organization’
Develop a process-based model that describes how internationally operating firms manage their global talent portfolio to ensure increased growth through reverse innovation
‘Catching Falling Stars: A Human Resource Response to Social Capital’s Detrimental Effect of Information Overload for Star Employees’
Develop a process-based model that describes how internationally operating firms manage their global talent portfolio to ensure increased growth through reverse innovation
‘Six Principles of Effective Global Talent Management’
Develop a process-based model that describes how internationally operating firms manage their global talent portfolio to ensure increased growth through reverse innovation
Serving the Business Community
Global Executive Education program
Collaboration with ongoing NCMM executive education series that will include education on how to cultivate global opportunities
Export Seminar Series
Focus on basic export functions such as global market analysis, identification of export partners, international pricing, logistics and distribution/supply chain network expansion, and utilize resources from the state of Ohio, Department of Commerce.
Certified Global Business Professional Certification
This certification develops a competency valued by companies seeking to expand their workforce and provide higher-paying jobs.
Serving the Community
Post Retirement Education Program
Collaboration with ongoing NCMM executive education series that will include education on how to cultivate global opportunities
Podcast Seminar on globalization coming soon.
Veteran Training in Trade and Commerce
Veterans returning from overseas assignments had been given cultural training prior to their deployment and have unique experiences from these assignments
Speakers Bureau for returning vets to talk to other students about being stationed in foreign countries
Veterans collaborate with student groups and Ohio-based companies that have an international focus project
Select servicemen for scholarships on courses in the GAP and EIP programs.