Professional Certificate in Operational Excellence

Argentina, 2018

Creating Lean Leaders Able to Drive Change

Today, top-performing organizations around the world are focused on operational excellence. The reason: Across all industries—from manufacturing to consumer products to professional services—the need for change is ever present, and accelerating.

This is particularly true in healthcare, where organizations need to adopt new standards of excellence for the safety and quality of patient care, while also controlling costs.

To succeed in this new environment, healthcare organizations must identify and educate leaders who can readily identify and solve their greatest operating challenges, and continuously drive improvements that are meaningful and measurable. The individuals who acquire these skills become the lean leaders that their hospitals need to help navigate change, improve processes, build patient satisfaction, and drive quality outcomes.

The Professional Certificate in Operational Excellence program is a collaboration between The Ohio State University and Cardinal Health. The program combines our academic research, our industry expertise, and our proven experience in teaching the lean principles and practices that deliver measurable impact for organizations who are competing in today’s marketplace.

Program Overview

The Professional Certificate in Operational Excellence program imparts the essential knowledge and skills in a unique program that teaches the core concepts and tools of operational excellence, creating the lean leaders that healthcare organizations need to compete effectively in a changing marketplace.

Taught in Argentina, this program enables students to:

  • Understand the key concepts of Lean Six Sigma
  • Know when and how to employ the tools and techniques
  • Adopt a new way to think—as a creative problem-solver
  • Lead others to see, and seize, improvement opportunities across the organization


Program Fees

The program fee is $55,000 and allows for a team of up to 5 individual participants from your organization. The fee includes in-program meals (breakfast/lunch/breaks), coaching, online coursework, program trips, program delivery and course materials.

Please note, fees do not include travel and lodging for program participants.

  • Open/Close Learning Objectives

    Build Problem Solving Rigor
    Grow the ability to see problems, as well as the capability to truly solve them in a thorough and sustainable way.

    Able to Effect Change
    Build the confidence and the capability to lead change, and to manage both the change initiatives, and the ongoing operations, concurrently.

    Become an Effective Leader
    Going to where the work is done; asking the right questions; building team commitment and collaboration; creating other leaders.

    Application of Concepts and Tools
    Achieving both an intellectual and practical understanding of the tools and techniques used to solve problems and improve performance across the organization.

    Demonstrate Proven Results
    Identify a specific improvement opportunity and lead the work on this project, reporting the results at the conclusion of the course.

  • Open/Close Program Curriculum

    SESSION 1 - April 4 - 7, 2018
    The key starting point of any problem is an accurate definition of the current state—from the customer and business perspective—that is then linked with a clearly-defined future state. This is how you get to a data-driven problem statement.

    Interim Work: Team work on projects with coaching and Yellow Belt online course

    SESSION 2 - May 30 - June 2, 2018
    Identifying the total process and key process problems helps to see all the issues that are inhibiting the project from achieving its desired future state. Scoping these issues using data-driven analysis will show which issues have major impact to the core problem.

    Interim Work: Team work on projects with coaching and Yellow Belt online course

    SESSION 3 - August 1 - 4, 2018
    A management system that reduces variation and makes the process visible - coupled with a process of team engagement and response - is the key to achieving sustainability.

    Interim Work: Team work on projects with coaching, preparation for final session

    FINAL SESSION - Report-Outs and Graduation: October 1, 2018
    The group will come together again for the final presentations. Each team will deliver a final report-out on their project in front of the Academic Director and invited guests. This day will include a graduation celebration, and the participants will receive their certificates.


Program Advisor
Javier A. Sala-Mercado, M.D., Ph.D.
Adjunct CMO & COO, Instituto Modelo de Cardiologia Privado SRL
Cardiology Program Director, Cordoba's National University
Cordoba, Argentina
Assistant Professor, Physiology, School of Medicine
Research Scientist, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Wayne State University
Direct Phone: +54 0351 4858596

Academic Director
Susan Moffatt-Bruce, M.D., Ph.D., MBA, FACS
Professor of Surgery
Professor of Biomedical Informatics
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Program Director
Beth A. Miller
Senior Associate Director
Operational Excellence
Fisher College of Business Executive Education
Direct Phone: +1 614-292-8575