Logistics PhD Course Offerings
BUSML 8381: Research in Supply Chain Management
Description: In this seminar, students will review and discuss strategies and theories regarding supply chain management (SCM). This will include examining literature that provides historic perspective on topics and the current thinking . During this seminar, particular emphasis will be placed on theory and practice of buyer-seller relationships and supply chain management, as well as literature related to performance measurement.
Instructor: Doug Lambert (lambert.119@osu.edu)
Term 1, Wednesday 1:00-4:00PM
BUSML 8385: Empirical Methods in Logistics & Supply Chain Management Research
Description: This seminar provides an overview of empirical research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, with a focus on appropriate topics, literature review, and hypothesis development in empirical papers. Additional focus on data analysis through statistical and econometric methods.
Instructor: Xiang Wan (wan.207@osu.edu)
Term 2, Time TBD.
BUSML 8386: Theory & Qualitative Methods in Logistics & Supply Chain Management Research
Description: This seminar focuses on the application and development of multiple theoretical perspectives used in Logistics and Supply Chain Management research, as well as the qualitative methods utilized to explore theoretical concepts.
Instructor: Terry Esper (esper.9@osu.edu)
Term 1, Time TBD.