Accounting Honors Program
Student Involvement

Accounting Honors students smiling together at a conference

Most Accounting Honors students participate in student organizations or activities. They offer many opportunities for learning, leadership and fun. Also, student organizations and activities are great for getting to know your classmates!

Student Organizations

The most important organization for Accounting students is Beta Alpha Psi, the national honorary and service organization. Ohio State’s Omicron Chapter plans approximately five events per quarter, with the most important being meetings with Accounting practitioners and faculty. In addition, the Chapter participates in community service activities and holds social events. The two major social and professional events are the Alumnus of the Year and Initiation Banquet and the Golf Outing. Several representatives from the Ohio State Omicron Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi annually attend the BAP Regional and National Meetings.

In addition to Beta Alpha Psi, The Accounting Association and the Information Systems Association (ISA) are both popular groups among Accounting Honors students. These two groups feature speakers in weekly meetings and hold formal banquets and events for career networking. Speakers vary from company recruiters to practicing professionals. The Undergraduate Finance Association is also an organization available to Honors accounting students.

Student organizations provide a way to get involved outside of the classroom. Add some extra value to an Accounting Honors education and get involved! Be sure to visit the student organization web sites or contact the student leaders for more information.

Accounting Honors Program Director

Professor Rick Young
410 Fisher Hall
2100 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH 43210