Department of Accounting & MIS
Accounting Honors Program

As the oldest honors program at the Fisher College of Business, the Undergraduate Accounting Honors program is nationally known for its motivated and talented students who embrace studying accounting as an intellectual subject. Some of the department’s best research-active faculty offer challenging and progressive coursework that facilitates the development of critical analytical and communication skills meant to ensure success in rewarding and diverse career paths.

Accounting Honors group photo 2018

Keys to the program's success in educating our students include: a selective admission process, a small class size of approximately 30 students, and a challenging curriculum. Written and oral communication are an important part of many of the courses in the program--as such, typical classes involve discussion, rather than lecture, and are designed to build writing, oral presentation, and teamwork skills. Courses are taught by full-time faculty holding a Ph.D., many of whom are nationally known researchers. Accounting Honors students have ample opportunities to develop their leadership skills both in the classroom and as officers in Beta Alpha Psi, the National Accounting Honorary organization. As a member of the program, students will have access to exceptional internship and full-time employment opportunities. 

Alumni often mention the lifelong friendships they make with their colleagues during the program. Such bonding occurs as a result of unique opportunities that include the “Ralph Cases,” debates over conceptual and current accounting and business issues, and class social events. Members of the wide-reaching and active alumni network are often guest speakers for classes.

Interested in Applying?

The first step in applying to the program is to gain entrance into AMIS 2200H from Program Director Richard Young in the spring of freshman year. Applications for the program are submitted in spring during 2300H.

Class of 2015 Profile

  • Size: 37 Students
  • Average GPA: 3.7

Recent Employment Statistics

The Accounting Honors program teaches analytical thinking and strong communication skills, which push students to think outside their comfort zone. Such an innovative teaching strategy by the department's best faculty has direct application in the business world and will ensure success in a rewarding and diverse career path.

The data presented below pertain to the Accounting Honors Class of 2015.

Accounting Honors Program Director

Professor Rick Young
410 Fisher Hall
2100 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH 43210