Regional Programs
Business Management Specialization
Business students pursuing a specialization in business management register for and complete courses through Ohio State's Lima, Mansfield, Marion and Newark campuses. Upon completion of the curriculum requirements, students will receive the same undergraduate BSBA degree they would have received had they attended classes on the Columbus campus.
Note: Business Majors in regional campus programs may choose a specialization offered on the Columbus campus, but doing so requires completion of some courses at the Columbus campus.
Business Management Specialization Curriculum
Courses and Curriculum on the Regional Campuses
Business curriculum
General Education (Gen Ed) courses are an integral part of your undergraduate business education. The goal of the Gen Ed is aimed to help you develop skills, competencies, and breadth of knowledge to become an educated, productive citizen.
You may take General Education requirements at any time throughout your four years to fulfil degree requirements.
These are intro-level business and math courses you need to take in your first two years in the business curriculum:
- Calculus (Math 1131/1151)
- Economics (ECON 2001 & 2002)
- Statistics (STAT 1430)
- Computer Science Engineering- Problem solving with Excel (CSE 2111)
Business Core
All business students are required to complete a series of business core courses that are offered in hybrid only versions on the regional campuses. Business core courses include managerial and financial accounting, finance, marketing, operations management, logistics management, organizational behavior, international business, business law, business statistics, business analytics, applied business skills, and strategic management.
Specialization requirements
The business management specialization provides you with an opportunity to delve deeper into each of the functional areas of business. You will integrate the 18 credit hours of specialization courses across the 3rd and 4th years of study.
Electives are additional hours that students need to complete to fulfill 121 hours of coursework.
You can fill your elective hours by taking additional courses in any college level course.
You may also use your elective hours to pick up one of OSU's 100+ minors. Minors are great to expand your skill set, pursue interests outside of business, and individualize your education! The 4 year business plan allows room for a minor (typically 5 additional classes). Talk to your academic advisor about minor options.
Undergraduate Business Minor at Ohio State Regional Campuses
The Business Minor offered through nationally-ranked Fisher College of Business offers Ohio State students the opportunity to enhance their selected field of study while making themselves more desirable job candidates. The minor is available at all four of Ohio State's regional campuses: Lima, Mansfield, Marion, and Newark.