Degree Requirements
Fisher’s Bachelor of Science in Business Administration ensures that you develop the skills and get the experience you need to make an immediate impact on your career—no matter what career you want to explore.
You can customize and enhance your coursework by choosing from 12 different specializations and over a hundred minors at Ohio State. In order to fulfill the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree at Fisher, you will take courses in the following areas :
Successful completion of a Fisher degree requires a minimum cumulative GPA of a 2.0, and a minimum cumulative GPA of a 2.0 in your specialization. You will complete a minimum of 121 credit hours of coursework.
Business Curriculum
General Education (Gen Ed) courses are an integral part of your undergraduate business education. The goal of the Gen Ed is aimed to help you develop skills, competencies, and breadth of knowledge to become an educated, productive citizen.
You may take General Education requirements at any time throughout your four years to fulfilll degree requirements.
These are intro-level business and math courses you need to take in your first two years in the business curriculum:
- Calculus (Math 1131/1151), Macroeconomics (ECON 2002), Microeconomics (ECON 2001), Statistics (STATS 1430), Computer Science Engineering- Problem solving with Excel (CSE 2111)
Fisher's BSBA degree provides a strong knowledge base in core functional areas of business and allows you to develop expertise in one of 12 specialized areas (the major).
There are two parts of the "major courses" that students will complete typically starting after their freshmen year.
- Business Core
All business students are required to complete a series of business core courses, regardless of specialization. Business core courses include managerial and financial accounting, finance, marketing, operations management, logistics management, organizational behavior, international business, business law, business statistics, business analytics, applied business skills, and strategic management.
The number of credit hours required for the specialization varies from 15-26 depending on specialization. The number of semesters required to complete the specialization also varies, ranging from 2-5 semesters. You should check individual specialization requirements on the curriculum worksheet with your academic advisor to create a degree plan.
Electives are additional hours that students need to complete to fulfill 121 hours of coursework.
You can fill your elective hours by taking additional courses in any college level course.
You may also use your elective hours to pick up one of OSU's 100+ minors. Minors are great to expand your skill set, pursue interests outside of business, and individualize your education! The 4 year business plan allows room for a minor (typically 5 additional classes). Talk to your academic advisor about minor options.
Business Prerequisites
Course Name | Prerequisites |
ENGLISH 1110/01 First Year English (must earn C or higher) | EDUTL1902 or Placement Level 4 |
MATH 1131/1151 Business Calculus/Calculus I (must earn C or higher) | MATH 1130, 1148, or 1150, or Placement Level L |
ECON 2001.01 Microeconomics | No prerequisites |
ECON 2002.01 Macroeconomics | No prerequisites |
STAT 1430 Statistics for the Business Sciences | MATH 1131/1151 |
CSE 2111 Modeling & Problem Solving with Spreadsheets & Databases | MATH placement L and/or MATH 1130 or above |
ACCTMIS 2200 Intro to Accounting I | ECON 2001 |
ACCTMIS 2300 Intro to Accounting II | ECON 2001 & ACCTMIS 2200 |
BUSOBA 2320 Decision Sciences: Statistical Techniques | ECON 2001 & MATH 1131/1151 & CSE 2111 & STAT 1430; prereq/concur ECON 2002 |
BUSOBA 2321 Business Analytics | ECON 2001 & ECON 2002 & MATH 1131/1151 & CSE 2111 |
Course Name | Prerequisites |
BUSMHR 2292 Business Skills & Environment | English 1110 & admission to business major |
BUSMHR 2000 Intro to International Business | ECON 2001 & ECON 2002 |
BUSFIN 3500 Legal Environment of Business | Sophomore standing |
BUSML 3380 Logistics Management | ECON 2001 & ECON 2002 |
BUSFIN 3220 Business Finance | ECON 2001 & 2002 & ACCTMIS 2200 ; prereq/concur ACCTMIS 2300 |
BUSOBA 3230 Introduction to Operations Management | ECON 2001 & ECON 2002 & Stat 1430 |
BUSML 3250 Principles of Marketing | ECON 2001 & ECON 2002 |
BUSMHR 3200 Organizational Behavior | ECON 2001 & ECON 2002 |
BUSMHR 4490 Strategic Management | BUSMHR 2000, 2292, 3200 , and BUSOBA 2320, 2321, 3230, and BUSFIN 3500, 3220, and BUSML 3250, 3380, and Sr standing |