Leadership & Engagement
Student Engagement

Fisher students on the courtyard

Valuable involvement that allows students to network with peers, faculty, staff, alumni and business professionals, while strengthening the Fisher community.

Fisher Community Building

Unique initiatives, programs, and events designed to assist students in finding a sense of belonging within the college.
Such programs include:

  • Diverse Student Welcome
    Open to all Fisher students.
  • Fisher Alumni Undergraduate Mentor Program
    Through an application process, the Fisher Alumni Undergraduate Mentor Program pairs students with Fisher alumni based on students' industry or career interests.
  • Fisher Early Arrival Program
    Provides an opportunity for select first-year, direct admit students to meet other direct admit students, experience life at Fisher, and learn tips for success prior to the start of autumn semester.
  • Fisher Fall Frenzy
    Fisher’s involvement fair provides students with the opportunity to learn about the ways in which they can get involved through Fisher student organizations and college programs.
  • Fisher Peer Mentor Program
    Fisher Citizenship Program offers its participants the opportunity to engage in a mentorship connecting underclassmen mentees with upperclassmen mentors.
  • Fisher Week of Welcome
    The first full week of classes at the beginning of the autumn semester which highlights events and programs designed to welcome new and returning students.

Fisher Peer Impact Consultants

Fisher Peer Impact Consultants are a team of upper-class business students charged with promoting opportunities, facilitating workshops/programs and supporting ongoing initiatives within the Undergraduate Leadership & Engagement Office.

  • Host 1:1 consulting hours to coach students concerning co-curricular opportunities to enhance their leadership and professional development
  • Help students develop a co-curricular experience based upon the Undergraduate Leadership & Engagement model

Peer Impact Consultants

Fisher Student Organizations

With over 35+ undergraduate Fisher student organizations, each provides resources and professional development opportunities to students.
By joining a Fisher student organization, students will…

  • Enhance their educational experience.
  • Network with alumni and industry partners.
  • Create meaningful and impactful relationship with peers that will last a lifetime

Student Organizations

Undergraduate Involvement Portal

FisherU is the undergraduate involvement portal for Fisher students and serves as a tool that allows them to find unique engagement opportunities within the college.



Leadership & Engagement Office Contact Information

The staff of the Undergraduate Leadership & Engagement Office are available to meet with students who are interested in learning how to become more engaged during their collegiate career.

Undergraduate Leadership & Engagement Office
Fisher College of Business
309 Schoenbaum Hall 
210 W. Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1144